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2024 Auspicious Stars or Inauspicious Star Sectors : Energetic Alignment brought to Perfection!

06 Janurary 2024 - There are times you can sense the abundance energy between you and your crystals are not on the same wavelength.

This can cause a difference in the way you view and live in the world, which can distance connection. The invitation and placement of a AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice's intent is to align you and your target's flow of energy. This intent can be flexible, but it is meant to put you on the same vibrational level and allow your to feel more connected, see eye to eye, and anything else you may need in regards to connecting in this way.

Abundance in all its types and forms, not just money, is an expression of Divine Flow of Energy which becomes available to us when we are energetically aligned and live in harmony with the Universe (Abundance of Energy of money, wealth, health, love, positivity, creativity, etc). Abundance is directly Connected to our Energetic Alignment.

Often, we unconsciously block this flow by not being open to receive it and not feeling worthy of it. Abundance blocks could be consisted of limiting beliefs, traumatic personal experiences and societal stories. They sit deep in our subconscious.

Shifting abundance blocks leads to shifting negative thought patterns, self-sabotaging behaviors and limited subconscious beliefs, and energetically aligning ourselves with the deepest levels of Divine Abundance and Wealth. This comes to us through the people we meet, the opportunities that show up, and the choices we make.

The AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice distributes sounds and energy to convey messages to your Heart and Soul. It’s purpose is to shift our energy to a higher vibration, to activate the dormant portions of our DNA and to align us with our Soul Mission and True Essence.

Abundance energy can also work to align the energies of two people so that they are more in sync with each other. Help your partner match your energy or find a balance between your two energies. Harmonize with your partner to find alignment.

Auralite-23, also known as the aurora crystal, is a unique gemstone discovered in the boreal forest north of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada.

Derived from the 23 distinct minerals found within its structure, the name Auralite-23 signifies the crystal's complex composition. This unique blend of earth elements and minerals contributes to its unparalleled energy, making it widely regarded as the most potent crystal on the planet. Auralite-23 serves as a profound spiritual healing tool, capable of opening all chakras and creating a pathway for deep, transformative healing.

The AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice radiates an energy that is foreign to most individuals. This energy, derived from its unique composition, resonates with the chakra column, promoting alignment and balance.

On top of crystal alignment, AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice are known for their unique ability to activate and balance all seven chakras, making them a rare and powerful tool for spiritual healing.

The energy of the Auralite 23 crystal directly resonates with your whole chakra column. This allows for complete alignment and reconciliation amongst your entire internal system, promoting overall well-being. The number 23 in this gemstone’s name refers to the number of distinct minerals contained in it, although your average Auralite 23 stone often contains seven or less. Scientists believe that Auralite 23 formed when meteorites collided with amethyst deposits, resulting in the mineral’s unique composition. Titanite, Cacoxene, Lepidocrite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite, Rutile are all minerals found in Auralite 23 gemtsone.

Here are only a list of few of the rarest and most interesting minerals found in Auralite-23:

Ajoite: Known for its soothing and harmonizing properties, Ajoite is believed to resonate with the heart and throat chakras, promoting emotional healing and enhancing communication.

Cacoxenite: This mineral is often associated with spiritual awakening. It's believed to stimulate the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition and promoting spiritual growth.

Covellite: Covellite is known for its high energy and is believed to stimulate the third eye, promoting psychic abilities and spiritual transformation.

Gilalite: A rare mineral, Gilalite is associated with emotional balance and resilience. It's believed to resonate with the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing and balance.

All of the 23 minerals contribute to Auralite-23's ability to resonate with all chakras, each bringing unique energy and properties that align with different chakras.

In Crystal Fengshui, AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice are also strongly connected to all twelve zodiac signs, making them versatile and powerful stones for anyone to work with. Regardless of your Zodiac Stars, the Auralite 23 crystal can bring blessings and positive energy to your life. This makes it a sought-after crystal for those looking to improve their overall well-being and find balance in their lives.

Regular interaction with AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice can have a profound impact on your day-to-day life. It can enhance mental strength, improve attitude, and promote spiritual growth. In addition to this, Auralite-23 crystals serve as a powerful spiritual tool, fostering a deep connection to one's inner self. Their unique energy enhances meditation, facilitating a profound spiritual journey and infinite energy channeling.

It is also highly reccommended to place your AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice with your health and career crystals like King of Medicine, Nuwa Crystal, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Strawberry Quartz, Blue Sodalites, Jadites like Yellow Jade, Afghan Jade, as Auralite-23 is renowned for its healing properties. It is a beacon of stress relief and relaxation. It enhances one's connection to higher states of consciousness, providing a pathway to balance and empowerment.

Its complex composition brings comprehensive physical and spiritual healing, offering both immediate and enduring benefits. Auralite-23 crystal can address emotional challenges, making it a valuable ally for those navigating career or relationship issues. With its potent energy, this crystal is a remarkable addition to any collection, marrying aesthetic appeal with profound healing capabilities.

When you’re in energetic alignment, you have clarity and momentum as you consciously create a life that feels authentic, abundant, and true, to you. You’re not making decisions to get approval and validation from others; you’re making decisions that are aligned with your visions, calling, gifts, and beliefs… and it feels luminous.

When you’re aligned, you’re empowered to express yourself authentically, without fear nor resistance. You’re tapped into your unique wisdom & you know you’re meant to share this innate wisdom with the world.

When you’re in energetic alignment, you protect and channel your energy in a way that allows you to authentically create a high-vibrational life. You tell yourself powerful stories that allow you to honor yourself and step into creator consciousness.

And if you are still unsure of what is energetic alignment, find the person who makes you laugh the most and spend some time with them and see how you feel after. You will feel lighter and higher, existing with a higher vibration, which gives you a natural HIGH!

The great news about raising your vibration is that it has nothing to do with anyone else. You have a choice to operate at a low vibration, or you can choose to rise above. The higher you vibe, the faster you will manifest love because the higher the vibe, the more authentic you’ll be showing up in life. When you show up authentically in life, everything unfolds beautifully right before your eyes in the exact way that it is supposed to unfold!

Invite your AAA+ Auralite-23 Rough Raw Slice today!


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