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2024 Conflict Star #3 Purifier Gemtstone - Sharpen Up for Greater Success!

03 Feburary 2024 - Known as the Stone of Heavenly Communication, Celestite is among the prettiest of the blue energy crystals. It’s a crystal gemstone with a high vibrational frequency that radiates outward in all directions, calming everyone in its wake.

The must-have 2024 Conflict Star #3 Purifier gemstones! This AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash benefits the broke, the weary, the sad, and everyone who is in a dark place.

The AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash from Poland is the ultimate purifier crystal that cleanses not only a person’s aura, but also the spaces in which it is placed. It calms fears and promotes purity of heart, hope, and good fortune.

Celesite crystals in raw state are known for its intuition enhancing powers, an intention of the highest order, as this intuitive boost to unlock the hidden depths of one's mind. With its magic, the world became a canvas of vibrant hues and intricate patterns, revealing secrets hidden in plain sight.

Clairvoyants and clairaudient people also use this gemstone to develop their abilities. A whisper on the wind became a symphony of voices, a touch of the hand a torrent of emotions. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and the true nature of reality was laid bare. Those who possessed this crystal were blessed with a keen intuition and an unerring sense of direction, allowing them to navigate even the most treacherous of situations with ease.

With the AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash, nothing was impossible, and the universe is all yours to explore!

So embrace this mysterious forces that guide you, and let your intuition soar to new heights. For it is in the whispers of the universe that your true power lies.

Most of all, the AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash is prized because it gives one the ability and the important opportunity to seek divine guidance, healing, and protection.

This crystal benefits the soul, the heart, and the mind. It’s very empowering to one’s spiritual life because it establishes a strong connection with higher realms and helps one communicate with guardian angels and spirit guides. Celestite boosts one’s psychic abilities and can help you heal your aura through angelic correspondence.

Any individual that has had an intimate encounter with a genuine Celestite crystal will understand what we mean when we say the stone looks like it has been designed and made by the angels. Its soft glimmer is absolutely magnetic. Celestite truly is the multi-purpose crystal that every crystal lover should own. In fact, it is an unnegotiable staple in any beginner’s crystal collection.

When using Celestite, people feel a profound sense of peace and their desire to live peacefully with everything in existence blooms. If you’re burnt out or being weighed down by your problems, a piece of Celestite gemstone can help you detoxify spiritually.

The AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splashalso helps the heart move forward despite worries, anxieties, and fears. This crystal gives peace to the emotional body and inspires stillness and quiet strength. Celestite heals one from sadness, grief, and despair as it seeks to improve dysfunctional relationships. It cools down emotions during times of high stress and opens one’s heart to peaceful negotiations and trying new things. It also restores, aligns, and balances the heart when it feels unsteady.

If your workplace feels like a jungle to you, having a Celestite crystal can help calm down toxic and stressful energies. By making people feel safe and protected, Celestite combats anxiety and relieves people of their nervous tics. After panic attacks, Celestite jewelry and stonesare also very helpful in centering a person’s emotions after being throttled. Celestite can also inspire creatives like musicians, artists, and designers and helps them with their creative process and vision.

Because Celestite has calming and tranquilizing effects, Celestite healing properties are highly sought by many who are trying to get restful sleep. Celestite encourages good dreams that encourage you to get to know the real you. In fact, if you place a Celestite stone near your Third Eye Chakra as you sleep, you’ll get to access its healing vibrations. Many users place them beside their bed to assist with sleep and dreamwork recall. People who seek healing through sleep can use this crystal to understand their subconscious better.

Peridot Properties:

Peridot's green color is a popular symbol for money, thus giving this gemstone the nickname, “money stone.” Peridot is traditionally known to bring financial success and help with decision-making involving money. This stone can help increase willpower and luck in wealth.

Peridot is an abundance stone and is often used in manifestation work for bringing in more wealth. Along with Citrine, this stone has associations with financial success in business and other forms of financial speculation.

Peridot holds a light, high vibration that is attuned to action and to motivation, which in turn will help you to sort out your money matters, encourage new, creative ideas about how to make money, and keep you grounded when you feel overwhelmed.

It has the added benefit of clearing the Solar Plexus and Heart chakras, which helps you feel worthy of receiving gifts and valued by the world. Once you eliminate the “lack mentality” around money, you will open the way for the financial rewards you deserve to enter your life.

The AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash is a unique and rare hybrid that is a great detoxifier that helps to clear away any blockages spiritually so that your space is cleaner and purer. It brings good luck stone and attracts good fortune into your life. The properties of this one-of-a-kind assists in conflicts by bringing peace and harmony back into the situation.

This AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash possesses potent cleansing properties. By purifying the subtle and physical bodies, as well as the mind, it releases and neutralises toxins on all levels. This crystal has the ability to gently open, purify, and energise the heart and solar plexus chakras. It also aids in the release of any lingering emotional burdens or negative energy. Through the power of crystal energy, burdens, guilt, and obsessions are released and cleared from your being.

This AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash is the perfect crystal for Conflicting Star #3 as it is known to help ease negative emotions such as jealousy, resentment, spite, and anger, while also aiding in stress reduction. It amplifies self-assurance and assertiveness with gentleness.

Let this powerful crystal that encourages growth and facilitates positive change. This crystal aids in reflecting on the past to discover the wisdom within your experiences, and guides you in the process of self-forgiveness. This crystal enhances mental clarity and promotes overall emotional wellness. This crystal is aligned with the pursuit of spiritual truth and helps to balance the natural rhythms of life.

The AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash has the potential to enhance challenging relationships as this enchanting crystal can enhance mental clarity and expand consciousness.

This crystal has the power to dispel lethargy and awaken your awareness to the aspects of your life that you may have overlooked, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

By harnessing the energy of this rare hybrid, one can embrace the power of self-reflection and growth, allowing for the acknowledgement of past errors and the ability to gracefully progress forward. Invite this unusual crystal today and let it support you in embracing personal accountability and shifting away from the mindset of blaming others for your life circumstances.

Whether you’re looking to balance your chakras, promote emotional healing, or attract abundance and prosperity into your life, It is a valuable piece to have in your arsenal.

For a lot of people, the necessity of heavenly communication is not immediately clear. However, there’s a lot to be learned from the universe, the stars, and other realms. If you know how to open yourself to these blessed energies, your whole being will thank you.

The AAA+ Raw Natural State Celestite X Peridot Splash is truly a divine gift that allows us to heal and feel connected to anything and everything. The beautiful blue color of this charming crystal hybird benefits the weary and anxious soul yearning for a peaceful and prosperous home.


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