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2024 Li Chun 立春旺来菠萝- Rice to the next Level!

27 Janurary 2024 -Designed to help you safeguard and achieve your long-term prosperity, abundance, wealth and career goals, whether it's winning the lottery, recieving additional income, getting a promotion, finding your dream job, or starting your own business.

The 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar features a powerful combination of fengshuied natural ingredients and and intention to help you manifest success to the next level. Receving the powerful energy on Li Chun Day 4th Feb 2024 and with to catch this once a year auuspicious astrological time of the year to ensure maximum effectiveness!

Embrace a brighter future dappled with Good Luck, Prosperity, Abundance in wealth and fortune with this Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar that will empower you to achieve your financial goals and hopes of prosperity! The Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar will have a powerful influence on the trajectory of your life, as it employs the Law of Attraction to attract unlimited treasures, representing health, longevity, wealth and wisdom, and highlights the symbolic meaning of wealth and abundance.

Traditionaly, it is said the blessings from Li Chun's outpouring energies can extend for fifteen miles around where the Jar is placed. Within this area individuals will experience good health, long life, wealth, protection, and peace. Contentions within families or groups will be reduced and working relations will be good. Prosperity will prevail.

The 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar is perfect for anyone who wants to take their prosperity and goals to the next level. Whether you're just starting out or you're an established professional looking to advance, attracting new job opportunties or planning to increase your visibility and reputation in your industry, or even help you make the right career decisions, let your 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar "RICE" you up to the NEXT LEVEL and achieve your desired goals.

Boost your creativity and confidence now! Upon receiving your 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar you are all set to "RICE"!

Time Link Raw Citrine Portal Quartz Brazil:

Time Link Raw Citrine Portal Quartz are highly sought after to access other dimensions, times and realms of existence. The direction of the parallelogram indicates the type of Journey one will be able to take in when engaging with the gemstone.

A left - facing parallelogram activates the right side of the brain enabling one to access visions, emotional experiences and healing information. A parallelogram on the right side of the main face activates the left side of the brain, allowing one to access information on technologies, sciences, processes and structures of a more linear nature.

Generally a right - facing portal will connect one with life times, dimensions and beings that can assist in emotional healing and intuitive work: While a left facing Portal will connect one with lifetimes, dimensions and beings that reveal technologies and sciences that could be helpful in our evolution and cognitive development.

Time Link Raw Citrine Portal Quartz can be used effectively in alternate-life healing work. All lifetimes occur simultaneously and healing or growth in one lifetime affects all others. Generally a right facing portal can be used to heal emotional wounds from the past or from past lives. Left facing Portals can be used to explore future lives and to envision one's future desires for this lifetime.

In the world of fengshui crystal, the Right - Directed Portals is believed to assist one in perceiving the Karmic roots for current life situations, while left directed portals can assist one in perceiving the karmic effects of one's current life choices.

Citrine, a radiant yellow gem, embodies the energy of abundance and joy. It promotes optimism, creativity, and clarity of thought. Known as the "Merchant's Stone," it will attract prosperity and success, making it a popular crystal for manifesting wealth and positivity.

A good fengshuied ctirine crystal can transform quickly into a radiant gem of positivity and abundance. This fengshuied crystal serve as powerful tools for attracting prosperiy and abundance into one's life. As you place them in your environment, their energy resonate with your personal energy field. This alignment faciliates the flow of positive vibrations, helping to dissolve energy blockages and attract opportunties for financial growth.

The presence of the Time Link Raw Citrine Portal Quartz in this fengshui ornament channel an initiation flow of energy to direct the spiritual awareness and information onto the Earth plane, allowing it to be utilized and directed into one's life especially in the Career and Business aspect where one bring in income, sales and revenues. You can tap into this energy, fostering a positive self-image and attracting opportunities for growth and success.

Embracing the magic of a powered-up fengshui ornament like this 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar will open doors to abundance and prosperity. Displaying it together with the delicately designed Wealth Invitation Booster by @Mastervivi will serve as a personal reminder to manifest your deisres, while the energetic properties of the fengshui ingredients within will amplify your intentions. By placing this fengshui ornament at your Auspicious spaces, you will algin your energy with the vibrations of prosperity.

Invite your 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar now to guide you on a path of wealth, confidence, creativity, and success. Embrace the abundant energy of your 2024 Fengshui Ong Lai Rice Jar and witness it's transformative impact on your life.


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