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AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers Armenia - Stir the mud, for the water clears.

07 June 2023 - This dark and mysterious gemstone has many different meanings for healers and meditators. But at its core, the most commonly accepted black obsidian meaning is all about cleansing dark energy.

All of its other potential benefits revolve around its ability to eliminate the smog of dark energy around your aura, providing a path for grounding light to reach you.

The AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers from Armenia is a powerful stone of protection. The energy it emits has the ability to protect you from the darkness that lingers around every corner. Healers believe that its cleansing powers shed a light on the darkness that you may not even see or feel yourself!

As the Stone of Truth, the Obsidian crystal properties are known to resonate with the root chakra — helping you achieve grounding.

The AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers from Armenia dissolves negative mental patterns and alleviates feelings of fear, jealousy, anger, and greed. Because it is a grounding stone, it brings negative emotions and shadow qualities to the surface, helping you release them. As such, blockages to feelings of safety and security (which the root chakra is responsible for) are removed.

You know that you need good luck now and then. So this is the gemstone to go for that you should never be without. And if you can combine it with Labradorite for its maximum effects are even better.

The AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers can ward off bad chi and cleanse the negative energy affecting your decision making, the flow of thought, and your handle on your emotions.

When you have the AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers with you, you will be more grounded and focused.

You will be more practical in your approach. You will not let your emotions take over, but you will do the right thing.

The gemstone will give you more powerful discernment and mental clarity. It will help you wield your personal power for the good of everyone.

If you’re feeling like you’re stuck and none of your plans or dreams are moving forward, this is the perfect stone to have with you. Place them in areas of auspicious that will give you the desire and the drive to change something so that you can finally move forward.

It’s no surprise to consider that this is one of the most popular uses for these AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers. Everyone could do with a little more fire in the furnace, so to speak!

The AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers can keep you in these moments of self-doubt and self-criticism. You can let its energies overcome you, like falling into a big supportive chair, and relax while rethinking your strategy.

Make no mistake though. It will also empower you to push forward with unstoppable conviction once you’ve taken a moment to regroup and devise your strategy! There’ll be no stopping you!

That said, one should be prepared to accept the truth before this healing begins. The AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers are said to have the ability to stir the mud so the water can clear. Thus, before you achieve enlightenment, the AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers will help reveal what is hidden within the shadow of your soul.

When used in meditation, it provides a stronger connection to realms beyond our Earthly plane. It allows you to accept protection from angelic guardians while also helping you to make contact with the spiritual world.

You might not be able to see those connections, but many feel them. It’s a sense of guidance and spiritual awakening! Black obsidian may unlock cosmic potential and precognition.

Rather than focusing on Earthly troubles and stresses, the AA Chakra Black Obsidian Towers allows you to escape the binds of your physical body and explore your spirituality more openly.

It will help you make all your dreams become reality. It will remind you not to focus on your flaws and weaknesses. Because doing so will only prevent you from being successful.

Chakra Symbols

Colors support the identity of each chakra symbol – the chakra system is ordered in the colors of the rainbow, upward from the base of the spine.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

As the first chakra, the root chakra symbol meaning is complex and connects to the earth element. It appears as the alchemical symbol for earth, reinforcing the grounding energy and powers of the Mudhalara.

Four-petalled lotus: The root-chakra lotus symbolize the four areas of consciousness through the four petals: Manas (mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (consciousness), and Ahamkara (ego).

The square: The square represents foundational life energy, rigidity, and stability. The number four repeats again here as a four-corner symbol, representing foundational life energy.

The Inverted triangle: The yantra within the lotus flower has a downward pointing arrow, also seen as an inverted triangle. Each of the three points has a meaning relating to consciousness, experience, and the three divinities. It represents the elemental symbol for earth, projecting grounding energy.

Red: The color red represents how the root chakra signifies power, signifying security, safety, and control. It also symbolizes the birth of human consciousness.

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The sacral chakra, also known as the Svadhishthana, is our central chakra. It relates to water, representing fluidity, movement, and aliveness.

Six petal lotus: The sacral chakra lotus contains six petals. The lotus flower petals represent overcoming anger, jealousy, cruelty, hatred, pride, and other negative emotions and qualities. With this, one can embrace your divine qualities.

The circles: The yantra is a circle representing the water element and the moon, symbolizing the cyclical nature of birth, death, and rebirth.

The crescent moon: The crescent moon symbolizes cycles, never-ending change, chaos, and constant movement.

Orange: The color orange represents the sacral chakra. As a warm and exciting color, it showcases the chakra’s impact on people’s sexuality, intimacy, and creativity.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus chakra symbol meaning relates to the fire element and the sun. It represents one’s energy and personal power.

Ten-petalled lotus: The ten petals of the solar plexus chakra represent the pranas that exist within us: Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana, Samana, Naga, Kurma, Devadatta, Krikala, and Dhananjay.

The inverted triangle: The inverted triangle represents pushing energy down through the energy centers to obstruct the movement of Kundalini.

Yellow: The color yellow represents the ability to tap into our inner sun or light, correlating with our overall self-worth and self-esteem.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Anahata is the Sanskrit word for the heart chakra, meaning unhurt, unstuck, or unbeaten. It is associated with the air element and is essential in connecting the three base chakras and the three higher chakras.

Twelve-petalled lotus: The twelve petals of the heart chakra symbolize the twelve divine qualities of the heart: love, bliss, harmony, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, peace, clarity, empathy, purity, compassion, and forgiveness.

The six-pointed star: The six-pointed star represents masculine and feminine energies coming together to create the star shape, shown as two overlapping triangles - one facing up and one facing down. The male and female energies intermingling creates the star shape.

The hexagram: Two triangles build and represent the hexagram, illustrating how the heart chakra is central in connecting the energy system.

Green: The color green represents one’s ability to give, receive, and heal, allowing us to let go of pain and regret.

5. Thorat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra, or the Vishuddha, relates closely to our ability to self-expression and communication. A blocked throat chakra influences our ability to be authentic. It depicts the element ether, which is space that informs the essence of emptiness.

Sixteen-petalled lotus: The sixteen petals relate to the sixteen vowels of Sanskrit. The vowels are light and easy, supporting the airy quality of speaking and communicating.

The inverted triangle: The inverted triangle symbolizes the energy of the lower three chakras concentrating and spinning upwards towards the higher chakras

The circle: This chakra symbol incorporates the powerful white circle. The circle represents the full moon - this stage of the lunar cycle represents releasing, resting, and letting go. Through this, we can find knowledge and purity.

Blue: Blue supports communication healing by symbolizing calmness, truth, trust, and intelligence.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is the center of gravity and wisdom. It does not depict a particular element like the previous chakras. Some say it symbolizes light, while others say it refers to general everything-ness.

Two-petalled lotus: The yantra of the third eye chakra is a circle with only two petals representing the seed sounds. And spirituality between the self and god.

The inverted triangle: The inverted triangle symbolizes an energy channel that depicts our consciousness and higher self. It represents the awakening of the pineal gland.

Indigo or purple: The third eye chakra is associated with dark blue and purple shades. These shades are mystical, representing higher wisdom and supporting our connection to our intuition.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is the last of the seven chakras. Its natural element is about spiritual connection and transformation.

Thousand-petalled lotus: This represents our connection to the divine and unity with the universe. The lotus flower symbolizes prosperity.

The circle: The circle has a universal representation of infinite and cyclical nature - it is endless, just like the nature of energy. It is seen as a full moon and relates to our unity with ourselves and others.

Violet/white: The final chakra has two colors - shades of violet with glowing white. The bright colors radiate through the top of the head, reflecting spirituality and enlightenment.

The information contained here is metaphysical in nature. Always remember that fengshui crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.


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