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AA High Grade Chrysocolla Quad Towers - Be Lucky Once Again

29 APRIL 2023 - If you are encountering lots of obstacles in your career or business right now, chances are that you are going through bad luck period in your life. When your luck is down, the whole seems to turn upside down on you. If you are a businessman, normally the business will fail or experience sudden downturn.

If you are an employee, chances are that either your promotions will be slower than your colleagues or if you arealmost there and you experience a twist at the very last minute or just simply experience lots of obstruction in your career path.

Is it possible to change our luck, and hence our destiny?

Work with Chrysocolla - the Luck Restorer and learn how to recognize, interrupt negative patterns, replacing them with positive words and intentions instead. When you change your words, you change your life.

For anyone desperately ready for a full luck restore, this batch of AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers is your crystal ally.

With its combination of blues and greens, the AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers crystal meaning represents a combination of energies related to luck-change, growth, and communication. By surrounding you with soothing energy, the Chrysocolla crystal stone meaning invites you to explore your heart’s desires — whether that means connecting with others, speaking your truth, or embarking on a new journey in life.

The soothing Chrysocolla crystal guides you toward a state of calm confidence in all situations, making this the ideal crystal to connect with when change is on the horizon. If you’ve been resisting a long-overdue change, or have been hesitant to initiate a desired shift, the AA Chrysocolla crystal can be the nudge you need to both accept and welcome change.

The AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers amplify the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. It embodies potentialities unrealized. It is yielding, formless, yet powerful. Its formidable energies bring power of regeneration and revitalization. It is the energy of the circle of life. Use the AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers to enhance any space that you use for repose, calm reflection, or prayer.

The AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers works by removing negativity from your personal energy field. Without fear, doubt, or lack of motivation standing in your way, you are free to pursue powerful transformations in all areas of your life — from relationships to career and beyond. Once the energetic and emotional limitations and barriers have been removed, the AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers adds an infusion of fresh, positive energy to propel you forward.

In addition to supporting change, the AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers properties also connect with the heart and throat chakras, the energy centers related to matters of communication and love, to facilitate heartfelt communication. If you often find yourself overanalyzing or getting in your head, the AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers can help you get out of your head and tap into your heart.

The AA Chrysocolla Quad Towers teaches you vulnerability and authenticity, especially when communicating with others. If you are having trouble expressing yourself, call upon the Chrysocolla crystal meaning to help you find the words to say what is in your heart. This is an especially powerful practice if your head is telling you something different than your heart.

In early times, Chrysocolla Crystal is well known amongst the American Indian cultures who have been using it as a healing stone for strengthening the body's resistance and for calming upset feelings. Their leaders utilised chrysocolla's powers to encourage peace between nations. It is traditionally the stone of musicians. This stone can be used to erect a gentle but effective force field around the home against unpleasant of intrusive neighbours.


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