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AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes Siberia -Trusting your instincts in full force!

08 July 2023 - We all have intuition. It’s just a matter of whether we choose to be in touch with our intuition or not. Do you know how to hear it? Do you trust when you hear it? Have you lost touch with it? Or are you too scared your intuition will tell you something you don’t want to hear.

Intuition plays a vital part in our everyday lives. Many people think of it as a moment where you instinctively know if something is right or isn’t right, or an inner voice that just knows. But it is so much more than that.

Our intuition bridges the gap between our instincts and our reasoning, between the unconscious and conscious mind. It’s not just about trusting your gut. It’s about listening to the signs and symbols we don’t often pay attention to; the universe’s ways of guiding us. It’s time to tap into your intuition and become more aware of how the universe communicates with you through it.

Since we are children, our parents, teachers, and society have encouraged us to suppress our innate inner awareness and psychic abilities rather than strengthen them. We are scolded for having imaginary friends or claiming to see ghosts, so we convince ourselves that connecting to the spirit world is a bad thing.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that, as adults, most of us struggle to hear our intuition or see the signs and omens the universe is trying to send us.

The AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes from Siberia is a powerful gemstone formation for thinking and spirituality, and it has a very high vibration. It’s believed to increase self-knowledge and awareness of one’s own thoughts and can help you to trust your inner wisdom. It also enhances psychic and intuitive abilities, and connects the spiritual realm with the physical. It can help with creativity, self-expression, and communication. In addition, the lapis lazuli crystals properties can help to harmonize and balance the yin and yang aspects within yourself.

Each of us are born with some form of psychic ability-its just that some of us are more aware and intune than others! So if you are looking for ways to develop your sixth sense, these crystals are a great place to start! The AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes can develop your third eye; which is the source of your psychic energy. Ancient Egyptians believed this gemstone could help you remember your dreams, similarly, as you lay down and completely relax, place a piece of the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcake on your forehead and let images form in your third eye – without any effort from you.

The AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes is also a highly sought-after gemstone that promotes inner power, self-expression, and clarity. With its protective energy, this blue crystal removes negativity and encourages spiritual enlightenment. Pair it with Citrine crystals as they make the perfect crystal combination for building your wealth luck confidence and encouraging self-expression when approaching or resolving financial matters.

Expressing your feelings the right way can help you feel more understood and in tune with the people you care about. With its warm energy, Citrine raises self-esteem and promotes happiness, putting you in the right mood for positive change. At the same time, the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes allows you to express your thoughts without holding back or compromising.

This crystal combination is also good for revitalizing the brain and refreshing your focus. Remember, building specific moments into your day to step away and clear your mind is vital if you want to stay centered.

Let the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes loose in your home or work space and let the atmosphere soak up the spirit of heavenly gold and blue. Another bright and bountiful benefit of the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes is its ability to protect you from negative energy. Like a shield out on the battlefield, this blue gemstone takes the hit so your soul doesn’t have to. Another way in which Lapis Lazuli was used in ancient times was to ward off psychic attacks.

This is a great gemstone to introduce to your office or working space, especially if you want a hand in matters of communication. Its deep wisdom will help you to find the way and problem-solving comes from a place of intuitive knowledge meaning that many missteps can be avoided.

As a highly spiritual stone, the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes can be an effective tool to use in dream work. If you want to shake off insomnia and go deep into the dream world, then place the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes close to your bed as you sleep and let it do the work of enchantment.

The AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes also cleanses the owner of negative energy and realigns with more positive, uplifting vibrations when placed near auspicious or promiment spaces. Its energies aid in developing an understanding of one’s inner existence. Its soothing qualities are helpful in any setting, whether at home or in the workplace.

It frees one from restrictions and issues that one has created for oneself. It paves the way for the true self, positive magic, cleansing, and love by activating various chakras. It protects the wearer from psychic attacks, reduces tension, and instills serenity. It can help you gain insight, objectivity, and creativity. It’s an excellent tool for strengthening relationships and communicating your feelings.

Having the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes in your life just seems to give things a spiritual shake up. It’s like the night sky blotting out all those troubles of the day and replacing worries with the comforting light of flickering stars. It makes it so that negative emotions just cannot survive in the world it builds around you. The gemstone has an incredible way of keeping your feeling safe and protected but in a way that doesn’t leave you closed.

Your communication and your heart remain open and ready.

For all those who feel they struggle to tap into that well of wisdom and intuition that sits inside us all,the AA Lapis Lazuli Cupcakes could be the medicine you need to find that magic and now you can trust your instincts in full force!

Invite your personal Lapis Lazuli cupcake today!


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