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AA Raw Agate Plates Portugal - The Grounding Power

12 APRIL 2023 - Known as the Soulful Stabilizer, the Portugal Agate is the gemstone to call on for strength support when you seek stability and grounding energy from your crystal's placements.

In feng shui, one of the ways that we can balance or uplift the qi, or life force energy, in a space is to intentionally bring in elements from nature, like the Portugal Agates. Like it or not, the Portugual Agate determines the "position", "strength" and "retainment" levels of your consolidated energy.

The Portugal Agate is a versatile, beautiful crystal that can be used for many different feng shui intentions especially in the area of protecting your wealth luck! It helps discourage wasteful habits and discouraging money energy from leaking. Have your citrines placed with the energies of this gemstone can help you feel enriched and empowered to achieve all your financial goals. The calming nature of Portugal Agate will help you get clear on solutions instead of focusing on the challenges you may be facing right now.

The Portugal Agate has dreamy quality with signature bands made up of mineral deposits layered in a perfectly circular symmetry around its circumference. The interesting colors and fine grains of the Portugal Agate are only part of what makes it a highly sought after agate's crystal.

Today, we often use Agates for placement at our auspicious sectors as it is known for its protective qualities.

By anchoring your crystals to your auspicious stars within your internal space, the Portugal Agates can help boost your sense of balance and centeredness. They also help you to slow down and find your center so you can move through your luck journey with more grace and ease.

In Crystal Fengshui, we recognize two opposing but interconnected types of energies, yin and yang. Yin is a darker, quieter, more receptive type of energy, while yang is brighter, busier, and more active. We all contain both yin and yang, but they can sometimes be out of balance. If you want to create more harmony between these two sides of yourself, try meditating with the Portugual agate by placing them on your palms.

You can also place them in your bedroom together with Clear quartz, amethyst and Selenites as it will cleanse the space's aura and remove negative energy. Connecting often with the Portugal Agates can bring out your natural talents and skills, and encourage you to speak your truth, confidently. It also promotes self-acceptance and spiritual growth, and soothes anger and bitterness when you have them near you.

A set of any agates place with the Portugal Agates can sweep away stormy energy and replace a frenzied mind with all the stillness of a calm and peaceful life.

The Portugal Agate is a grounding and earth-oriented gemstone hence it carries a denser vibration. In a society where we’re always encouraged to ‘raise our vibration,’ sometimes we forget how important it is to remain attuned to the slower and heavier vibration of our mother Earth. Having a piece of the Portugal Agate slice plate well sitted at your "shen qi" sector will clear all fustrations and distractions, allowing you to think clearly and enhance attentiveness. With the Portugual Agate well placed, one attains the power to think quickly on their feet and solve problems swiftly. This will invite mental clarity so that you will be able to release tensions and resentment making way for success and happiness.

When used at your work desk, this mystical gemstone will increase the confidence you have in yourself and also raise your influencing powers, creating an environment in which you can attain your aspirations. The Portugal Agate will eliminate any fears you may have, and replace them with the strength to be courageous in the face of any event.

In addition to this, the Portugal Agate creates positive chi and rids the surrounding area of any negative energy when it work with Clear Quartz or Selenites. By revitalizing your workstation, workplace happiness will be able to form a better and "smoother" flow. This is ideal for those involved in business and competitive careers or simply if you have a stressful, fast-paced and multi-tasking work environment.

The Portugal Agates enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child.

Invite your very own earth power today to aid your efforts to grow, develop new capabilities and change your luck!


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