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AA Red Jasper Quad Towers Germany - Turn Life Around

03 May 2023 - The AA Red Jasper Quad Towers are awesome and remarkable wealth nurturers. This crystal will assist to sustain and support one during times of crisis. It brings wholeness and reminds people to help and care for each other.

Notorious for its fantastic work in boosting emotional focus and balance, the Red Jasper is said to rid people, places, and items of negative vibrations from worry, emotional stress, confusion, and anxiety.

Often used with money and wealth crystals like citirnes and pyrites, the AA Red Jasper Quad Towers crystal is most helpful in generating one's drive and motivation you need to get your financial life in order especially when one is in need of turning things around. It also assist in opening up slim opportunities or difficult tied-up situations to ease money flow for meaningful purposes.

A piece of quality grade Red Jasper can be beneficial in many different fields of your life. It is also a wonderful stone for both protection and empowerment, which is a great one-two punch of good fortune!

When you feel empowered, you will be more likely to take risks that could pay big dividends. This is the secret to success in our world – big risks have big payoffs. However, we are often reluctant to take those risks for obvious reasons – they are risky!

The AA Red Jasper Quad Towers will provide a shield against some of the consequences of your risk-taking while allowing the payoff to come back to you just as powerfully.However, please do it at your own level of comfort and affordablity!

AA Red Jasper Quad Towers crystal properties are known for helping to inspire you to act on your passions, so if you notice an increase in your habits like marathoning TV shows, it’s time to call on the gentle yet powerful healing properties of this rustic and stable stone.

When used with Agates, the Red Jasper provides grounding and stability energy that provides comfort, security, power, and recovery. It balances the aura with the level of integrity and peace and acts as a reminder for the person to bring joy to himself and to others, not on the physical plane.

It encourages people to celebrate the moments of isolation and to develop a consciousness of the spiritual connection we hold with all living beings around us and to absorb, reflect and relate these energies.

It imparts the ability to get organized and solve problems, which is often needed to turn a situation around. You can lift your financial burdens of debt into a state of abundance with some clever use of Red Jasper and your creativity!

Back in the olden days, healers and shamans wore protective amulets and talismans with red jasper crystals as a protective force. It’s also popular in Ancient Greece and Egypt.

The Egyptians believed the stone is related to Mother Isis and was carved into amulets for the dead. In the legends, the stone also drives away the evil spirits because of the properties of red Jasper.

The AA Red Jasper Quad Towers also encourages dream recall and can be used for shamanic journeys to ensure that you return safely to your body when your journey is done. It also absorbs negative energy and cleanses your entire aura. It balances Yin and Yang forces within the etheric body, ensuring no feminine or masculine energy dominance.

Place the AA Red Jasper Quad Towers by the entrance to your home or in the auspicious sectors of your room that attracts higher emotions and energies and let your Red Jasper do its miraculous healing!


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