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AA Root Beer Calcite Romania - Bad Luck Breaker

08 APRIL 2023 - If you’ve ever broken a mirror, did you worry about the sudden onslaught of bad luck you might have to face?

Did you notice things starting to go wrong suddenly? Or perhaps you just saw the inconvenience of having to clean up all that broken glass. Either way, throughout history the connotations of breaking a mirror have divided many cultures and religions.

It was the ancient Romans who first suggested the idea of a broken mirror bringing seven years bad luck. This stems from another piece of Roman lore stating that every seven years life would renew itself and any broken parts of your life – such as health issues – would be fixed. So, if a mirror smashed and your image was the final thing it reflected, then you’d have to endure seven long years of misfortune before the curse ended and good luck was renewed.

There were measures that could be taken to prevent this bad luck though. You could take the shattered pieces and bury them by the light of the moon, for example, or take a fragment to a graveyard and touch it against a tombstone.

In this day and age, however, we’d suggest that none of these options is advisable. If do break a mirror, you’ll probably be ok to just sweep up the pieces. We reckon if you were unlucky enough to smash one in the first place then you’ve had your fair share of bad luck already.

So do you think you are one of those people who are always suffering setbacks? Does little ever seem to go right for you? Do you sometimes feel that the universe is out to get you?Do you wonder: Why do I have bad luck? Is bad luck real?

Your luck is no worse and no better than anyone else’s. It just feels that way. Even if random negative events do come along, our perspective and reaction can turn them into positive things.

Better still, there are two simple things you can do which will reverse your feelings of being unlucky and change your luck.

1. Stop believing that what happens in your life is down to the vagaries of luck, destiny, supernatural forces, malevolent other people, or anything else outside yourself.

Psychologists call this “external locus of control.” It’s a kind of fatalism where people believe that they can do little or nothing personally to change their lives. Because of this, they either merely hope for the best or submit passively to whatever comes—while complaining that it doesn’t match their hopes. Most successful people take the opposite view. They have an “internal locus of control.” They believe that what happens in their life is nearly all down to them; and that even when chance events occur, what is important is not the event itself, but how you respond by taking actions to it.

2. Embrace good fengshui with lucky gemtsones by having them in your auspicious sectors so that you tap on good energy to help influence an optimal outcome.

The Romania Root Beer Calcite is popularly known as the "Breaker Stone of the Unlucky”. Root Beer Calcite get it's name for the light and dark browns, like in root beer floats, that make up this interesting gemstone. Calcite itself is the gemstone for students and academics, and can be indispensable at helping students to retain their lessons.

The Romania Root Beer Calcite is an excellent crystal to break up patterns, repetitive or toxic, and provide equilibrium, so the user can get out of a bad /lousy situation and make better decisions to move forward. Root Beer Calcite can be used with Clear Quartz in keeping balance, especially at home and work. Root Beer Calcite works extremely well with the lower Chakras, aligning the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Root Chakras.

A Fengshuied Root Beer Calcite stands out from all other calcites crystals as it can specifically empower to sniff out and show you a new way to look at a situation when placed at your auspicious stars in your space, easing you away from old outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of welcoming new ideas.

Having your Root Beer Calcite is a fantastic stone for increasing your awareness of prosperity and opportunities for personal growth within your life. Working with this gemstone encourages pursuit of your heart’s wishes and desires, and wanting to discover greater happiness in life. Use it with progressing and advancement crystals as such pairings can trigger the vibrations of the Root Beer Calcite to be highly active and this help to elevates a sense of personal responsibility and hope for your life.

You will be excitedly surprise that the Root Beer Calcite can also help you recover memories and deepen your connection to memories that bring peace and your “happy place”.

If you think you’re “suffering from bad luck” or simply want to "break the bad luck cycle", you can really change things up. It may even be a lot easier than you thought!

Invite your Root Beer Calcite today and Reboot Your Life!

Chat with us to find out available weights for this batch. *while stocks last

Take note that all weights are under the sale of group buy prices and they are distributed randomly.

Please request to see them on livestream if you like.


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