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AA Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz Belgium - Flush out the stroke of luck

17 May 2023 - Does our success depend mainly on random acts of chance such as being in the right place at the right time or other factors that largely lie outside of our control? Or conversely can we create our own luck?

While we may think of luck as being something that happens to us by complete chance, there are things we can do to turn up the dial and set ourselves on the path for prosperity.

Whether you are looking for a flush of love, extra fortune, or just a hidden door of possibility to open wide, luck is something that (with the right fengshui and tuned mind), we can attract.

The Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz help us to tap into these hidden pots of luck.

From Belgium, the Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz boost glacial like appearance, pure transparency, and cooling vibes that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, and balancing, storing, retrieving, focusing, transmitting and channelling universal energy and is excellent for unblocking it!

These charming ice crystals are harnesses magical powers that cleanses, restore and balance for one who are having self-doubts, self-limiting beliefs, and feeling stuck.

The Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz will purge destructive energies, neutralize constructive ones, and mend everything in between. It is especially benefitcal if you need a reset! Have one close to you as this powerful reset could make you start anew and starts fresh as everything fell from chaos. It’ll be good to have that chance.

When often used with proper fengshui positive incense smoke smudging, the Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz invoke strong positive resonance that attracts positive vibrations and can speed up your spiritual manifestation and own reality. Its light energy permits the individual to set intentions and organize his life according to his own reality. This allows you to play with your own strengths and manifests new beginnings.

If you are lacking in benefactor’s luck that brings poor networking, relationships and a series of bad luck that has continously disbenefit your earning and wealth luck progression, the Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz may be your answer. Have them place together with your benefactor's lucky crystals as it clears up all unwanted thoughts, intentions, and motives that hinder you to live your life to the fullest and reach your full potential to attract benefactors into your life!

When fengshuied, the Twin Luck Striker Ice Clear Quartz is known to repel negative energies, and cover the one’s auric field with a safe space with positive loving energy. It banishes negative energies while radiating a positive aura frequency. This will shield one from harmful, toxic energy and dangers, as it's aura light energy gives off a spiritual shield and divine protection.

Flush out your stroke of luck today and bring out a whole new constructive view of self and your life journey!


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