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AAA Icy Green Fluorite (Inner Mongolia) - Break the Ice for Influential Income Luck


26 APRIL 2023 - The Icy Green Fluorite gemstone from Inner Mongolia is an formidable financial and spiritual abundance crystal used in Crystal Fengshui to remove rigidity in order to allow influential income luck, work / business opportunity and insight.

It is popularly used with citrine crystals to target financial goals and set them with focus and strong intent. Together, the Icy Green Fluorite and Citrine illuminate your clear purpose and potential, showing you what lies ahead in life. It’s a piece for increased manifestation, of both your true path and increased influential prosperity.

This is all thanks to the stunning ice-clear clarity that this natural Icy Green Fluorite gemstone possess. When setting your goals, you have a perfect clear space to focus on and that draws the powerful energy of the stone straight into what you want.

Place the Icy Green Fluorite gemstone on your work desk can help you stay on task.It is especially beneficial when embarking on important career endeavors, as it helps to bring success and abundance in that field. Useful to those in jobs that require a high level of thought and problem-solving, this Icy Green Fluorite crystal helps encourage the best use of mental faculties and improves thought process.

When encountering complex situations, the Icy Green Fluorite keeps you balanced and focused. No matter what you have on your daily docket, this clear crystal will help you feel in control of it and able to make sense of even the most difficult situations.

Used it with Clear Quartz or Black Crystals it is also very powerful in dissolving energy blockages that may reside in your chakras and overall body.

The Icy Green Fluorite crystal give you the right focus to put the hard work in an organized and well defined manner that is needed to achieve and build the influence of your income luck in your life as you chart your course in you career or business. So remember! manifestation and setting intentions for what you want to get and where and how you want your opportunties to come is the key to work with the Icy Green Fluorite Crystals!

The Icy Green Fluorite also helps you connect spiritually through dreams. Using it under the pillow will help you experience dreams that you can later interpret. It is said that dreaming on the "Icy Clear" Green Fluorite can help you walk through spiritual realms safely and without trauma.

The Icy Green Fluorite gemstone is highly sought after by collectors and jewelry makers for its stunning colors and unique patterns.

This is a one-of-a-kind collector's class grade so miss it not!


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