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AAA Raw Amber Calcite Mexico - Extend Income Flow Beyond Boundaries (Collector's Class)

15 APIRL 2023 - What does it mean to manifest something like more money? It’s bringing something tangible to your life through attraction and belief. It’s figuring out what you want out of life and believing you have all you need to get there. It starts with getting clear about your goals and intentions. It ends with letting the Universe provide it for you. It’s not about pursuing something. It’s about attracting it.

You have the power to manifest or attract anything you desire including love, success, and money — as long as you truly believe that you can achieve your goals. You have to REALLY believe that you are deserving of what it is you desire financially. Your mindset about money is everything. Positivity attracts it. Negativity repels it.

Speaking of energy, it’s important to view money as energy. It is always flowing to you and from you based on energy, like a current (perhaps why it’s called currency). It’s everywhere. Money as energy is all around us and it is always moving. You are responsible for the charge of energy you infuse money with.

The Raw Amber Calcite Slice is an extremely fortuitous energy and has an uplifting, sunny hue to perk you up whenever you need a quick boost of self-esteem especially in your luck power to invite strong income flow! A quality raw piece of Amber Calcite eases the challenges that you face and sometimes come with change and creates balance between the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

When focusing on the Solar-Plexus Chakra, the Raw Amber Calcite Slice can enhance the will, bringing extra motivation when needed for long-term projects and financial goals.

Amber Calcite is a stone of manifestation. It’s a powerful stone that can manifest an increase in your income flow or other forms of wealth.

While tapping on the energy of the Amber Calcite fire it up by using with citrine magnets or pointers, this gets the energy motivated and flowing, dissolving any blockages that exist in your space. You will soon see a difference in your personal energy field. It brings a certain grounded-ness that reinvigorates your income and revenue's luck desires and your heart with this new found energy; one that has you feeling more connected to yourself in the present moment. Radiating with this energy can open new doors for those who choose to welcome it.

When you place Amber Calcite with clear quartz, it can easily pull down Divine and Angelic energies through the body, helping one to relax into life and create a state of allowing psychic abilities via the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras. The soft golden glow and tranquil energy from this combined placedment is believed to comfort, soothe and revitalize, especially in times of need.

This process can also help one to release feelings of deprivation, and connect with the Divine perfection inherent in the Universe thus opening up your access to the path of good luck!

The Raw Amber Calcite Slice is also known for it's catalytic-type aid in releasing sexual issues, and it's physical strengthening of the immune system when you have them placed in your bedroom.

If you’re ready to get rid of the stagnant energy cloud hanging abov!e you, and shift your mindset toward one that sees prosperity on the horizon, then use this Raw Amber Calcite Slice to push the magnificent energy beyond boundaries!


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