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AAA Spanish Phantom Fluorite - Raise Energy Levels to the Fullest!

When even mundane activities require an effort and things feel off, we have low energy levels. Having the necessary energy levels restored is essential to our well-being. This is where this magnificent specimen from Spain come into play!

This Spanish classic is now becoming increasingly hard to source as they are valued for their strong properties in flushing your aura of negative energy and protects against incoming negative emotions. Essentially, they work to eliminate spiritual smog and can help you find your way back to spiritual grounding when you feel lost or disconnected.

The AAA Spanish Phantom Fluorite Quad Points is to be the stone of PURE FOCUS, CONCENTRATION, ORGANISATION and CLEANSING. Having them near you brings on CLARITY with it that clears away any mental haze sharpening focus and enhances concentration and the ability to make decisions and stay organised. It is also believed to strengthen one’s connection with the higher self and enhances INTUITION therefore it is highly reccommended that you use it with Lapis Lazuli crystals!

Invoke wealth and plenty with these AAA Spanish Phantom Fluorite Quad Points as it works as a super energy booster when you use them with money crystals like citrines and pyrites! Be ready to maifest wealth and fiancial abundance by finding and following your purpose when you set them up in wealth sectors!

Highly deep lustrous purple with glassy nature, the AAA Spanish Phantom Fluorite Quad Points is your energetic bridge between heaven and earth. It activates your Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy center associated with manifestation, confidence, courage, and willpower. It’s like the Law of Attraction in crystal form.

We reccommend you to use it with our all-time favourite wealth CITRINE Crystals to invite wealth, resources, and prosperity. This gem combo is a good fortune magnet for business owners because it attracts and increases clients. It also boosts intellectual development, logical thinking, imagination, and creativity. Using the AAA Spanish Phantom Fluorite Quad Points also encourages a spirit of cooperation and the willingness to work together towards common goals.

It's exceptional transparency properties entreat one by clearing the mind of cluttered thoughts, negativity, and confusion. It also helps one select a direction to move forward in when faced with different paths.

A couple of pieces placed together helps to align one’s will with one’s mind very quickly, allowing them to bring their thoughts and actions into reality in the shortest time. It also helps to synchronize the heart with the mind and void chaotic energy as it acts to protect from outside influences, manipulation and mental influence.

This is an extremely hard to source batch with illuminated floating hues and some crystal pieces present spectacular growth ghost. Excellent lustrous and glassy fluorite for crystal collectors and fluorite lovers!

Invite yours today!


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