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Become a master of your own financial destiny!

22nd May 2024 - The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz from Krushev dol mine, Madan, Bulgaria has a long-standing reputation for bringing wealth and prosperity to those who possess it. It attracts abundance, bringing financial gains and opportunities. It opens doors for resources to flow into one's life.

The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz will inspire you to harness your personal power so that you can complete your desires and accomplish your financial goals. Work with your Galena Quartz as it will keep you motivated to succeed, even when things are hard and the road to success is long and winding.

Galena Quartz is one of the strongest grounding stones we know of, and we recommend it to anyone who's constantly working towards their financial goals. Our root chakra becomes open and activated when working with Galena Quartz, allowing us to fully ground ourselves down to the earth. Physically, this quartz is very dense and heavy, which mimics the vibrations Galena radiates. Its perfect cubic cleavage, metallic luster, lead-gray color, and relative softness readily distinguish galena from most other metallic minerals. Galena Quartz is easily scratched by a nail or metal implement due to its softness. Perhaps its most distinctive feature though, is its very high density (high specific gravity)! The energy one feels when working with this gemstone is very powerful and helps to recharge your internal “battery”.

The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz will help you overcome your deep-seated fears and inspire you to take more calculated risks. It will also encourage you to make use of your talents to make your dreams a reality. Galena Quartz will bring stability and security to areas of your life where there's confusion, conflict, or overworked emotions. It's used to ground and center your energies, and it will harmoniously open new pathways to wisdom and enlightenment.

Be ready to also transform your indirect wealth reality in an extraordinary manner with this phenomenal AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz. This remarkable solution is designed for those who are hungry for financial success both directly or indirectly and crave a substantial change in their monetary status. Keeping close to a piece of AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz, you are openly inviting an avalanche of prosperity and abundance into your life.

The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz will act as a powerful mirror which will reflect light into the darkest and deepest part of your shadow self.

It will promote peace, tolerance, and kindness as you learn to embrace the aspects of yourself that you fear.

In the workplace, Galena Quartz can help promote creativity, focus, and communication. It can also help to protect against negative energy and promote positive relationships. Place a piece of galena on your desk or work area. It will help to create a positive and productive environment. Carry a piece of galena with you during meetings or presentations. It will help you to stay focused and communicate effectively.

Additionally, galena is said to aid individuals in achieving their goals by enhancing their focus and motivation. It assists in removing obstacles and challenges that may hinder progress toward these aspirations.

As a protective stone, galena protects against negative energies, safeguarding one's wealth from potential loss or theft. With its combined attributes of attracting abundance, aiding goal attainment, and protecting wealth, galena is regarded as a valuable asset for promoting prosperity.

Imagine your life as a journey. The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz is your magnet, pulling you towards the destination of financial prosperity. It works on the principle of positive attraction, aligning your energy with the frequency of abundance. Having one in your auspicious sectors of your personal space or crystal altar, you become a powerful money magnet, attracting wealth and prosperity from unexpected sources.

The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz will also provide a strong centering energy that will make sure you’re alright even when you’re facing a set of challenges. It has a very harmonious vibration that allows you to feel more comfortable in yourself and elevates any self-limiting ideas that you might be holding. Galena Quartz is a great study stone and helps in the holistic and homeopathic areas in particular. The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz is a stone of doorways and will assist you in releasing any limiting ideas that you are holding so that you can move forward into the next level or stage of your life.

Serving as a powerful mirror, the AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz will help you dive through the deepest part of yourself and see the dark aspects you may have been avoiding or ignoring due to fear. Our shadows are part of our self, and we need to come to terms with their existence, or else we won’t feel whole. The stone will open your mind to things you may have been closed off before. Galena Quartz will be the guide and can help shed light so we may understand them. Shadow work is a difficult, complicated, and terrifying process. Through it all, Galena Quartz can be your support to keep you motivated to go on and stay grounded.

The insane wealth energy invoked by the AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz is not just about increasing numbers in your bank account. It's about empowering you to live a life of financial freedom, where money becomes a tool to enhance your lifestyle, create opportunities, and provide for your family, without fear or worry. It's time to embark on your journey to financial prosperity and let our spell guide you to riches beyond your wildest dreams.

Keeping a piece of AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz at your wealth sectors, safe box or money collection drawers attracts wealth, open doors to new opportunities, and multiply your income streams. It ignites the law of attraction and harnesses the universal energy to guide you on the path to financial freedom. Engage this quartz as it works in harmony with your intentions and actions, fueling a chain reaction of wealth accumulation.

For those who have a heavy heart, Galena Quartz possesses potent qualities for emotional healing thanks to its grounding nature. The energies of Galena Quartz will bring healing to your heart, forgiveness to those who have hurt or wronged you, and peace in your heart, mind, and soul. When you are infused with the energies of Galena, you will become more receptive to changes, compromise, and communication. It will strengthen your commitment to each other, and it will help you stay away from temptations.

It will help bridge the gap through communication and trust. It will also keep you excited about what else lies in store for you and your partner in the future. It fosters a love for truth and nurtures logical, holistic, and scientific thinking. These qualities contribute to emotional balance and stability. It symbolizes self-transformation, converting negative emotions into positive ones.

The AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz possesses powerful properties for aura cleansing, thanks to its grounding nature. Pair it with the Aura Cleanser Log Bar, 7 Chakra Obsidian, Selenite Towers, Black Tourmaline or Smokey Quartz Crystal to enhance its energy and properties. It is beneficial for energy work and spiritual practices. It clears and aligns all the chakras, from the Root to the Crown. It eliminates stagnant or unnecessary energy. This process helps to balance and stabilize the body's energy centers, promoting overall well-being. Combining these crystals can provide further grounding, centering, protection, and balance.

Galena Quartz is commonly associated with other minerals such as copper, quartz, agates, pyrite, sphalerite, fluorite, calcite, and citrine These minerals can be used with galena to benefit from their distinct properties and energies.

Most of us live in a sea of radiation, with hundreds of gadgets around us. Galena Quartz can also help you neutralize some of those bad energies.

Charge your AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz by keeping it in a bowl with some clear quartz or obsidian crystal chips or soil for a couple of hours. Keep the charged crystal in different areas of your home to spread good vibes.

In the world of crystal feng shui, Galena Quartz is believed to have grounding and centering properties that help balance energies.

Galena Quartz is associated with the metal element and the Western direction in feng shui. It is believed to promote wealth, abundance, and good luck. You can place Galena Quartz in the wealth corner of your home or office to harness its energy.

Carrying a piece of galena with you can attract good luck and abundance. Meditating with Galena allows you to connect with its energy and utilize its power to enhance wealth, abundance, and good luck.

Do keep in mind that Galena Quartz contains lead. While you can handle Galena Quartz, avoid ingesting or inhaling lead dust or its ground form at all costs. Over time, Galena tends to weather and lose its shiny silver appearance, turning into a dull gray or black color. Hence, we suggest to use only our collection of incense to cleanse and enhance its fengshui energies. Keep it dry. After handling your Galena Quartz, it’s always a best practice to wash your hands with water and soap.

This rare collection of AAA+ Raw State Galena Quartz comes with individual cert. Invite yours today!


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