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Embark on Your Protected Journey!

17 Jul 2024 - Are you seeking to safeguard yourself from bad luck, negative energies and unwanted influences? In a world where energies, both positive and negative, constantly surround us, safeguarding your spiritual well-being is crucial. The AAA+ Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slices are meticulously designed to offer the strongest shield against negative influences, ensuring your peace of mind and security.

Renowned for its unparalleled strength and effectiveness, shield yourself from harm with your crystals seated on each of this slice, a powerful base crystal delicately sliced to safeguard against negativity and malevolent forces. Through positivity cleansing crystal rituals and focused intention, your crystal setting with this

AAA+ Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slice forms an impenetrable barrier around you, deflecting harmful energies and warding off curses. Whether facing spiritual attacks or simply seeking to maintain a positive aura, the AAA+ Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slice offer a sanctuary of peace and calm.

Think of this AAA+ Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slice as your personal beacon to destiny — a potent protective shield invoked by this Lipari Crystal wrapping you in a cloak of security and resilience. It sends a resolute message to the cosmos, aligning forces to guide you towards a life brimming with safety.

For anyone constantly encountering bad luck especially in the aspect of career, be all prepared to banish this negativity as you watch it purge negative energy when you place Aura Clear Quartz crystal seated on it, restoring balance and harmony to your life. Whether plagued by curses or simply feeling weighed down by negativity, this collection of Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slices offers a pathway to renewal and liberation.

The AAA+ Lipari Snowflake Obsidian Slice's high density Phenocryst properties bring about "White" auras and the color white in general represent a state of purity. They surround people that shine inside and out. People with this aura have a pure heart and are the most resistant to corruption and other negative energies that surround us. These individuals can possess psychic abilities and a deep connection to people and nature.

Because those with a white aura wish to see the good in everything, they can be naive to other people’s true intentions. Unfortunately, they can be taken advantage of through manipulative behavior or dishonesty. They can also be so spiritually connected that they have a difficult time getting a grasp on reality. This behavior can lead to being overly judgmental and close-minded.

The white aura emanates purity and repels negative energies and those in league with them. While lacking the innate hypersensitivity of the purple aura, it is no less spiritual and determined in its drive to assist those suffering and in need. Those who possess a white aura make great friends and lifelong partners, but their first duty will always be to their seemingly divine and unselfish calling to help both humans and animals.

If you're ready to embrace the magic of protection and shield yourself from bad luck cycles and negativity,

here's your chance to infuse your existence with this powerful protective aura that turns you impervious to the shadows of negativity.

More about Snowflake Obsidian Crystal:

Snowflake obsidian is a stunning naturally occurring volcanic glass, characterized by its black base speckled with white or gray snowflake-like patterns. These distinctive markings are actually spherulites, tiny clusters of needle-shaped quartz crystals called cristobalite, formed during the rapid cooling of the molten lava.

The "snowflakes" vary in size and density, creating unique patterns like clusters, swirls, or delicate speckles. Snowflake Obsidian is usually black in color, with white patches called Phenocryst. It resembles snowflakes, hence the name. The presence of high density Phenocryst will command a premium price due to it's rarity and it's high amplification of pure aura energies.

When it comes to wealth and abundance, Snowflake Obsidian will remind you of the importance of perseverance and determination. It will teach you to value your mistakes as much as your successes. Because without a few mistakes, you will not achieve what you want in life.

The energies of Snowflake Obsidian can help release your old ways of thinking and unhealthy mental patterns and will give you valuable insight to help you make the best financial decision. Snowflake Obsidian can help inspire hope and create new and positive ideas.

And it can cleanse stagnation and lack of enthusiasm, and remove any undercurrent of tension with the people you work with. Its energies will help you see the opportunities that you have overlooked in the past. You will receive support and assistance in all your pursuits, especially when it comes to money.

Snowflake Obsidian is a beautiful fortune charm that can attract wealth and abundance to you and your loved ones!

This gemstone has the ability to bring hidden issues to the surface so that they can be addressed.

Snowflake Obsidian can also help you remove feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can also get rid of your tendencies to become dispassionate or detached. It can give you the strength to overcome self-harming thoughts and emotions.

The energies can protect your relationship from negative things. It will help you enjoy love and happiness, and make you look forward to spending more years together with the person you love.

Snowflake Obsidian can also warn you when there’s a threat. It will help you recognize people in your life who are only taking advantage of you.

This is because black Snowflake Obsidian, as its name implies, combines both light and dark colors. In the broadest sense, black crystals are seen as protective, and white crystals are seen as enhancing your insight.

It makes for a winning combination in this particular stone. If you often take on the emotions of others to your own detriment or loss of self, this crystal will help to create a barrier around your own energy field to prevent that from happening.

Similarly, if you often find the actions people take to be hurtful and confusing, the white elements of this stone will invite new perspectives and insights into your heart and mind. Combine it with the black color, and those harsh truths will also sting a lot less too.

A strongly energized or fengshuied Snowflake Obsidian can keep you anchored even if you are going through big changes in your life journey. It will guide you so that you will not feel lost. And it will show you how you can trust your instincts when it truly matters.

If you are an introvert who prefers to keep all your thoughts and emotions locked up inside, Snowflake Obsidian is the perfect gemstone for you. This gemstone has the ability to bring all your emotions up to the surface!

The Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity. It symbolizes the need to regularly clear your body, heart, mind, and spirit of toxins that can prevent the free flow of positive energies.

The healing energies of this stone will help you achieve a balance in your body, mind, and spirit. Whatever is causing you fear, pain or worry will be removed. Let this gemstone calm and soothe you. It will reassure you that there’s no need to feel afraid when you know that you will always get the support that you need.

It’s also a gemstone that is associated with divine guides and guardian spirits. Snowflake Obsidian is a reminder that they are just watching over you and pulling you close in a warm and protective embrace.

Snowflake Obsidian will help you achieve a clearer and more logical way of thinking. It will help you grasp new concepts, retain new information, and remember important things.

Snowflake Obsidian will work as a mirror, reflecting who you are as a person. It will show you what your weaknesses are and how you can turn them into strengths. It will help you harness your personal power and achieve all that you want in life. Whether it’s for your personal or professional life. You only need to use this power to make your dream a reality!

As elaborated above, Snowflake Obsidian is very protective crystal. Having it in your possession will give you a sense of security and stability. You will know that no harm will come to you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

The grounding energies of this stone can help you stay balanced and afloat. It will make sure that you’re okay, even when you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, and also if you feel like you’re going to start sinking.

Snowflake Obsidian can block and protect you from negative energies that want to enter your life.

It will fill you with cleansing energies for thoughts and emotions that are bad for you, like anger, greed, resentment, and jealousy. It can help you live a balanced life by making you recognize harmful patterns and doing something to change them.

And it will give you peace and balance, both to your mind and body. It will keep you hopeful and realistic, but it will not take away your sense of wonder.

The energies of Snowflake Obsidian will allow you to know your true self, and to be confident and secure about who you are.


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