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Financial Charisma Right At Your Fingertips!

18th May 2024 - Imagine it as your personal call to destiny, a potent gemstone at your crystal altar space that supercharges your financial magnetism, elevating it to a whole new level. The AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Towers from California is like a silent message to fate, urging it to guide financial opportunities and prosperity into your life, making you a money magnet that's impossible to resist.

The AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Tower aims to stimulate and foster a mental state that aligns with the energy of financial abundance. It aims to go beyond the confines of traditional thinking around money and encourages a profound shift in how one perceives and interacts with wealth.

This crystal activation is grounded on the principle that wealth is an energetic entity and our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards it shape our financial reality. By changing our mental framework around money, it's possible to remove blocks, eliminate fears, and overcome self-imposed limitations that hinder financial growth.

Lepidolite is an excellent gemstone for helping you to reach your goals, as it helps you to focus on what you want without getting distracted by other things. It also helps you to be independent in your thoughts and actions. This stone encourages self-love and trust in others as well as yourself.

Keep a AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Tower close to you as it encourages deep subconscious healing that breaks barriers preventing success. It opens up positive energy flow, allowing money to come into your life quickly. Lepidolite also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can be a significant blockage in manifesting wealth. We suggest to use this with Anti Money Blocks Incense for assisting to clear out invisible hurdles!

Lepidolite helps one to cope with change in life, especially when it comes to dealing with emotional issues such as grief, anger, or fear. It provides deep emotional healing by allowing one to accept their feelings and then move past them so they can move forward in life.

The AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Towers are highly protective and encouraging, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. They protect against negativity while promoting positivity, making them great stones for daily wear or just keeping them around the house because they will always be there when needed. Lepidolite is also an excellent choice for people who suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders. It helps regulate your sleep cycle so you can get a good night's rest and feel refreshed.

The AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Towers can bring cosmic awareness as they are amazing energy cleanser and ever ready to get to work on bringing the chakras into bright and bountiful balance. Rich in spirituality, the Lepidolite Stone can help to clear any blockages from the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. These three chakras are some of the gateways we need for divine connection with higher plains. When they are blocked they can affect our sense of inner wisdom, intuition, trust, capability for love, and ability to see what the universe wants from us and where our place in this world is. This stone is all about helping you to leap forward, it preps you for a future free from mental and emotional blocks, ensuring you reach a place both here on earth and in the cosmic realm where you can thrive.

Lepidolite is believed to shield the owner from external influences, absorb electromagnetic pollution, and provide psychic protection by deflecting negative energies.

For wealth & abundance seekers, the AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Towers are a must to have as it stimulate and foster a mental state that aligns with the energy of financial abundance. It aims to go beyond the confines of traditional thinking around money and encourages a profound shift in how one perceives and interacts with wealth.

This energetic activation is grounded on the principle that wealth is an energetic entity and our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards it shape our financial reality. By changing our mental framework around money, it's possible to remove blocks, eliminate fears, and overcome self-imposed limitations that hinder financial growth.

The ultimate goal of having this AAA+ Lepidolite Quad Tower in our crystal setting is to establish a prosperous mindset, one that perceives money as a tool rather than a destination. It aims to establish a harmonious relationship between the individual and wealth, where money is viewed not as a master but as a facilitator for personal growth, fulfillment, and wellbeing.

Lepidolite Properties:

Lepidolite is a Phyllosilicate mineral from the mica group. It forms slender, prismatic, pink or purple crystals with a vitreous luster. It is found in granitic rocks, often in metamorphosed limestone and schists. Lepidolite's name comes from the Greek word “lepidos,” which means "scale" or "scales," and lithos, which means "stone." This is because it looks like scaly mica.

Moreover, Lepidolite can also form under low-pressure conditions in hydrothermal veins or contact metamorphism zones, where it may be associated with tourmaline, garnet, muscovite mica, staurolite, and kyanite crystals.

Lepidolite was first discovered in the 18th century when it was called "lilalite" because of its lavender color. Researchers eventually renamed the stone "lepidolite" after discovering that it is a type of mica. Lepidolite is one of the significant sources of lithium, as well as of some rarer alkali metals such as rubidium and cesium.

In 1861, the chemists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff extracted 150 kilograms (330 pounds) of lepidolite and yielded a few grams of rubidium salts for analysis, thus discovering the new element rubidium. It occurs in granite pegmatites and high-temperature quartz veins.

Lepidolite is found in abundance at several locations around the world. It is especially plentiful in California, United States; Brazil; Ural Mountains, Russia; Bernice Lake, Manitoba, Canada; Tanco Mine, and Madagascar.

Lepidolite is a beautiful stone that is known for its soothing energy. Lepidolite can help you to feel more positive, find hope, and come to terms with your fears. In Feng Shui, it is associated with the Fire Element.

An overall excellent crystal for helping you to reach your goals, as it helps you to focus on what you want without getting distracted by other things. It also helps you to be independent in your thoughts and actions. This stone encourages self-love and trust in others as well as yourself.

Lepidolite helps one to cope with change in life, especially when it comes to dealing with emotional issues such as grief, anger, or fear. It provides deep emotional healing by allowing one to accept their feelings and then move past them so they can move forward in life.

These gemstones are highly protective and encouraging, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. They protect against negativity while promoting positivity, making them great stones for having them in your crystal altars or placing in the auspicious sectors of your house because they will always be there when needed.


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