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Like attracts like!

06 April 2024 - Like attracts like: This law suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. It means that people tend to attract people who are similar to them—but it also suggests that people's thoughts tend to attract similar results. Negative thinking is believed to attract negative experiences, while positive thinking is believed to produce desirable experiences.

The Universal Law of Attraction is a principle that asserts, "like attracts like." In the spiritual realms, it refers to the magnetic power of thoughts, emotions, and intentions, emphasizing that what we focus on, be it consciously or subconsciously, is magnetized to us.

To attune with this law is to harness the profound understanding that our predominant vibrations, be they of love, fear, abundance, or lack, act as cosmic beacons, drawing corresponding energies and experiences into our lives. It offers a clear insight: our inner state is the blueprint upon which our external reality is constructed.

Aligning with the Law of Attraction invites us to become conscious architects of our destiny. It beckons us to cultivate an awareness of our dominant thoughts, feelings, and desires, urging us to elevate and align them with our highest aspirations and dreams. It's a call to transition from being passive recipients of life's circumstances to empowered creators, understanding that every moment offers an opportunity to shape our reality through the quality and focus of our internal energies.

Attunement to this law also brings a profound sense of responsibility. Recognizing that our vibrations have creative power propels us towards mindfulness, urging us to be discerning about what we choose to entertain in our inner sanctum. It's an invitation to nurture thoughts of love, joy, abundance, and peace, knowing that these frequencies not only elevate our personal experience but also contribute positively to the collective consciousness.

The AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower is a great life crystal that is here to help keep your law of attraction energy “buzzing” throughout your day, even when obstructing and negative energies constantly come your way. This extraordinary scarce find of hybrid that comes with Base Agate Crystal can help you maintain a positive and upbeat attitude through the daily stresses of life, while encouraging you to continue your own spiritual evolution.

The stone’s body has incredibly complex patterns and beautiful yellow-orange tones: its sunny yellow hue symbolizes a bright start and abundant optimism.

The AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower is a unique crystal healing stone that promotes strength, courage, and confidence. It is thought to be extremely beneficial during times of stress or anxiety. This stone encourages us to embrace change and encourage ourselves to step into the unknown.

Where, what and how you put your energy towards is what you will attract. If you think about why something is wrong in your life, you will attract only that low vibrational energy. You will manifest this energy instead of attracting positive energy. When you focus on positive, Universe will help you bring that energy.

When you send out low emotions, low thoughts to the Universe, you will receive the same energy back. Your Law of Attraction are pipelines connecting your energy to the Universe. If the pipelines are blocked, your energy does not flow to the Universe. It loses its power. The blockages usually come from human related experiences, your confidence in yourself, how you think about yourself or your lifestyle, stressors, etc.

Place your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower close to you as it will clear your Law of Attraction vibrations to have a healthy flow to the Universe. All types of low energies, human related issues, negativity, etc inside the vibrations will be cleared. This way you will be able to use the power of your energy or thoughts to improve your life, and attract what you want in your life.

It is important to understand and know the way you react to things in your life forms and builds your life. The agate crystal will balance and harmonise and this is a popular choice if you are seeking stability especially during stressful or emotional times.

After balancing the vibration for Law of Attraction with your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower, your work begins to keep this energy growing. Work with your emotions, thoughts, etc to attract what you want in life.

Start bringing your greatest goals into reality, as you watch your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower increase your confidence and bring forth your unique qualities. In addition, this crystal can help dispel feelings of hopelessness and replace them with a sense of optimism, making it an excellent choice for anyone who struggles with chronic depression.

Produce enormous wealth that you previously could only fathom in your wildest thoughts as your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower help you become more open to new experiences and perspectives. As a result, you’ll be able to step out of your usual routine and investigate possibilities you would not have considered before.

Open up channels for inspired intuition that will result in real-world results as you will also gain the insight from your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower that you are the lone captain of your ship and have complete power over your life’s events. With the support of this gemstone, you will have the confidence to stand up for yourself and explain your side of the story to others.

Most importantly, hasten the effects of any law of attraction work you do in the future because your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower can be use to increase energy levels in this particular aspect, allowing you to power through your day with greater vigor and ease and welcome what you desires!

Experience this transformational attunement as your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower offers a profound alteration to your aura and the seven subtle bodies that encompass your being - the Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template Body, Celestial Body, and Causal Body. As a result, you'll carry this empowering energy within and around you, creating a continuous stream of healing and upliftment.

The idea of merely thinking about what you want is just the tip of the manifestation iceberg. For the law of attraction to truly work in your favor, now here's your chance to receive the vibration on the level of the thing that you want.

If you want a raise, don’t spend all day focusing on how you don’t feel like your current income is enough. Sure, that counts as thinking about what you want, but it just draws attention to the feeling of being broke, which will attract more of that into your life.

Instead, pretend you’ve already gotten your raise and engage this intention with your AAA+ Bumblebee Jasper X Java Agate Hybrid Quad Tower with how that might feel. Visualize how you’d act if it already happened. When you feel like you already have what you want, you raise your vibration to the level of having that thing - and that’s when you’ll start to manifest what you desire.

Believe it’s already yours. Soon enough, it will be! Invite yours now!


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