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Meet the Money Strength & Power - The Millionare Money Peacock

04 November 2024 - Many religions and cultures regard peacocks as a symbol of good luck, good fortune, and immortality.

In Buddhism, Peacocks are able to eat poisonous plants and fruits considered toxic to humans. As a result, Buddhists believe the peacock symbolizes one's ability to take in the “poisons” of life while still continuing on the path towards enlightenment.

In Chinese Buddhism associates peacock feathers with Kwan Yin, a benevolent bodhisattva known for her compassion and mercy. According to one legend, Kwan Yin chose a plain brown bird to help her keep watch over humans on earth. Upon touching the bird with her hands, its feathers suddenly changed colors, transforming the creature into a peacock.

In Christian lore, Christians adopted the symbol of the peacock to represent immortality. This came from an ancient legend that the flesh of the peacock did not decay. It is also associated with the resurrection of Christ because it sheds it old feathers every year and grows, newer, brighter ones each year. If the peacock is portrayed drinking from a vase it symbolizes a christian drinking the waters of eternal life. In addition the " multitude of eyes" upon its stunningly beautiful fan tail, suggested the all seeing eye of God.

In Hinduism, peacocks are considered highly sacred and associated with a number of important deities. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and beauty, is symbolized by a peacock while Lord Krishna is often depicted wearing peacock feathers in his hair. In fact, peacocks themselves were said to come from the feathers of Garuda, a divine mythical bird. To this day peacocks are associated with beauty, grace, and divinity.

So, not only are the feathers of a peacock a sight to behold, but seeing or encountering a peacock is considered a sign of good luck and a good omen.

The Millionare Money Peacock is the true provider of riches. He bestows wealth, assist in carving pathways, creating social networks and is extremely benevolent. This fengshui empowerment calls upon heaven luck, earth luck and mankind luck – referred to as tien ti ren blessings of wealth success and is only for those who are ready for opportunities coming their way for immense wealth to manifest over time. You must be mentally ready, to also work hard and grasp the opportunities coming your way. The Millionare Money Peacock sighnals prestige, success and contenment in your wealth advancement as it let you acknowledge your dreams and aspirations within yourself.

Use this bird’s gifts to bring you confidence, stature, and a sense of accomplishment in everything around you and all your current projects.

This is a lifelong, intense wealth fengshui crystal ornament to build up your wealth status overtime and you need to be mentally prepared to put in the hours to execute your dreams. Opportunities will present themselves and struggles will slowly disappear. It is the beginning of a good omen, signaling prestige, success, and contentment in your network, relationship or career.

The Millionare Money Peacock colorful prismatic fluorite crystal feathers are seen as a symbol of the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth, representing the connection between the spiritual and material worlds.

The Millionare Money Peacock will assist his owner to manifest these key achievements:

- Raising your social and income status overtime - Enhance creative thoughts relating to money generation ideas - Blessings of riches provided you open the doors of opportunities that present themselves - Gaining recognition for your specific talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in your chosen field

Visibility is a pretty good word to describe the Millionare Money Peacock. Their stunning luminosity is magnetic, and all eyes go to them. If you need to be seen more in your life, try working with your Millionare Money Peacock. This may be helpful if you want to receive more acknowledgement at work or school, or perhaps if you’d like to be more noticed by a potential romantic someone.

This is also perfect for anyone who is keen to start their own business as it will attract opportunities to you and carve out a path for you to improve your financial situation. If you are employed, you will invite luck for a smoother career progression and better career opportunities.

Welcome new paths and opportunities that present your way, take charge of your own destiny with confidence, trust and respect for what this Millionare Money Peacock will present to you in due course. Wealth & Money energy flow will come flowing in provided you leave the doors to opportunities open.

Contemplate the powers and the glorious color display of this Millionare Money Peacock when you need more vitality and vibrancy in your experience and when you need to rejuvenate your self-esteem so that you will be able to walk tall and proud like a Peacock! If you hear a calling or have a gut feeling to explore a particular opportunity, answer it.

Prismatic Fluorite Benefits:

Prismatic Fluorite is an amazing crystal to bring into your environment especially for those who want to fill their space with sublime positivity. Prismatic Fluorite is a crystal of sheer joy, its multifaceted color scheme plays with the light and it can be placed in all auspicious sectors for Feng Shui practice.

For those looking to bring more luck and abundance into their home, Prismatic Fluorite is known to attract prosperity and inner wealth. Prismatic Fluorite can also be placed in the bedroom for those who need a little extra dose of intimacy in their lives.

This crystal is excellent when placed in the prosperity and success sectors for those who crave more recognition and to feel valued in life.

Other stones that work wonders when paired with Prismatic Fluorite include Amethyst with its serene and spiritual vibes, Agate with its ability to stabilize the aura, heal tension, and also improve concentration. Rose Quartz is a great match for Prismatic Fluorite as together they will get to work on soothing and cleansing the heart chakra.

Aventurine is another stone that works well with multi-shades of Prismatic Fluorite. Weave in an extra splash of sunshine and marry Citrine with your Millionare Money Peacock for boosting those positive vibes with Prismatic Fluorite. If you want a dose of extra healing power, then dark and dreamy Obsidian is ever welcome when it comes to Prismatic Fluorite.

Another gemstone that brings beautiful protection to the table is Tourmaline with its deep grounding, raw energy, and ever-growing strength. Sodalite with its ocean-like energy and watery flow is another stone that works wonders with Prismatic Fluorite, especially when paired with Blue Feather Fluorite as both gemstones are made to heal the throat chakra and to amplify your voice. When our throat chakra is singing out and wide open, this is an instant raiser for your levels of self-confidence.


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