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Overcome your Run of Bad Luck!

25th November 2023 - We all go through phases in our lives. There are ups and downs. But sometimes the down phase lasts just a big longer than we would like it to.

As one success grows, you will inevitably attract plenty of envy, colleagues who gossip and smear your reputation to take you down in front of superiors, competitors watching your every move like a hawk to pounce on opportunities to soil your good name. The list is endless.

It can have a negative detbilitating effect on our lives and health. Some of these down phases are part of the natural process of life, but in some cases, these are thrown at us by people who could be our rivals, people who are jealous of our success and happiness, people who are pure evil and can't help but harm others. Most People would call it black magic.

Reverse the effects of all these problems with this stunning AAA Natural State Morion Quartz as you watch it restoring your legacy in the minds and hearts of others.

Whatever may be the reasons affecting you, the AAA Natural State Morion Quartz can help you remove and avoid these "curses" or "downfalls" from your life and change your life for the better.

The AAA Natural State Morion Quartz can assist one with releasing the difficult stages of their past. And carrying on for a brighter life ahead. Morion Quartz is said to promote self-confidence and self-esteem by helping you to release negative thoughts and emotions that are holding you back. Morion Quartz is also believed to be helpful in achieving emotional balance by providing clarity and peace of mind.

The Dark color hues of Morion is a symbol of “night.” It would fill you up with energy to the original state. Morion Quartz has a true meaning and properties of “revival” and “restoration.”

The AAA Natural State Morion Quartz can help you release any negative energy or bad luck that may be following you. A very powerful metaphysical crystal, the AAA Natural State Morion Quartz emits a high level of energy that can help you break free from any negative cycles or patterns that may be affecting your life, allowing you to experience more positivity and abundance.

When you place or keep one near you, it helps ground the owner with Earth energies and is good for working with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. Have it place at your crystal altar, it will cleanse bad luck, banish negative energy, and bring positive energy and good fortune into your life. If you feel like you've been experiencing a string of bad luck or negative energy, this quartz can help you release any negative energy that may be holding you back and invite positive energy and good luck into your life.

Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of optimism, free from the weight of persistent bad luck. This morion quartz is your key to breaking the chains that bind you, allowing positive energies to flow freely into your life.

Whether you're facing financial challenges, relationship troubles, or a series of unfortunate events, the AAA Natural State Morion Quartz can help turn the tide. It's a responsive crystal that targets the specific intentions of your challenging life where negative energy has taken hold.

Negativity can manifest in various ways, affecting your personal and professional life. The AAA Natural State Morion Quartz is your beacon of hope, guiding you towards a brighter and more fortunate future.

The AAA Natural State Morion Quartz works with a person or atmosphere as a whole and so is excellent for balancing and calming in general and has the capability to strengthen the energy of other types of crystals when placed with them. Placing a morion crystal close to someone who is feeling upset for any reason can offer them comfort and security.

This variety of quartz can be used to shield you from negative energies that are present around you or deliberately being sent to you. You can also transmute this negative energy into positive before sending it back out into the environment.

The AAA Natural State Morion Quartz can help clear away negative energy and promote positive vibes, making it an ideal crystal for those seeking to improve their spiritual well-being. It is also said to be helpful in promoting psychic abilities and enhancing intuition.

Natural morion quartz retains some translucence when held up to the light, while altered quartz does not. Protect their deep color from sun exposure as they will fade black to gray under prolonged exposure. "Morions" were a type of helmet used around the time of the Conquistadors, which speaks to the stone's protective and shielding qualities. Their energy can further assist you in shadow work, aid you to face the dark aspects of self and to dissipate self-imposed obstacles.

They reconnect you to yourself, assisting you to be true in thought and actions. They are very calming when you feel overwhelmed and are comforting in times of grief. Use it with your Miracle Healing Oils, as they are also able to dispel nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath due to anxiety attacks.

This crystal will be a great choice for anyone looking to increase their focus, and clarity of mind and reduce stress or anxiety. The black color of morion quartz makes it ideal for grounding yourself and connecting to the earth’s energies. Its healing properties make it one of the most beneficial gemstone to keep in your home or workspace.


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