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Taking you on an exploration of Gut Feeling Light!

24 Apr 2024 - Here's your very own AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Tower as this is your one and only celestial gateway designed to activate your starseed DNA, elevate your psychic abilities, and grant you a powerful connection to the unseen.

Immerse yourself in the magic of transformation with this AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Towers. Whether you seek to reveal hidden abilities, strengthen your third eye, or experience special powers, this crystal collection promises a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Here's your chance to get it together with AAA+ Lapis Lazuli crystal as this is perfect combination for activating your cosmic key to unlock your inner oracle. The AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Tower is a celestial symphony designed to awaken your dormant powers and elevate your consciousness. The combined used of this unique crystal setting establishes a powerful intuitive connection, allowing you to see beyond the ordinary. It is a catalyst for self-discovery, revealing hidden talents and future abilities. Tap on the energies of this exemplary fushion for a metaphysical transformation that strengthens your third eye, making it the strongest conduit for higher knowledge. Embrace the power within and let the magic unfold.

The 6th Chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, or ajna chakra (as it is known in Sanskrit), is the home of your intuition. The 3rd Eye Chakra, positioned at the forehead is the sixth of seven basic chakras, or energy centers, in the human body. Sometimes referred to as the “conscience,” this chakra governs the pineal gland and your *ision, intuition, memory, and imagination.

The 3rd eye chakra, the source of this light, rests in your mind. It has immense power. It is the provider of the intuitive abilities. It strengthens your sixth sense and gives you psychic powers. It is present in everyone, and this book will teach you the secrets to opening and activating your third eye chakra.

The AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Tower allows us to tap into our own personal wisdom and activate the power within ourselves. The 3rd eye is located on the center of brow bone. It’s associated with the color purple and connected to our intuition, emotional intelligence and truth. It allows us to go within ourselves to discover the wisdom we all innately have and to connect with a higher state of being.

When the third eye chakra is balanced, you can use your inner sense to ask for guidance and make decisions. Calling on the 3rd eye includes your soul and spiritual self in your decision-making process, rather than just your intellect and ego. When you notice a subtle feeling of contentment, or uneasiness, this is your intuition guiding you. Opening the third eye allows you to feel confident in making decisions and changes in your life.

A third eye chakra blockage puts more focus on fear than faith. You may be holding a pattern or feeling like you don’t know what to do next in life, when in reality you know exactly what to do, but you are too fearful to act on it. For many people, an unbalanced third eye chakra may result from a life crisis that is out of our personal control.

It makes us question why is this happening? Or what is my purpose? The initial questioning of the unfolding of our lives is lack of faith— a symptom of a blocked third eye chakra. But once we’re able to move past that questioning, we open ourselves up to receiving guidance that we would not have welcomed before. It’s likely after balancing the 3rd eye, to see your life moving in a direction you would have never thought it would, because of the guidance you are receiving from your intuition.

Physically, a blocked third eye chakra is associated with brain tumors, thyroid problems, eye and ear issues, headaches, stroke, spinal difficulties, learning disabilities and seizures.

The essence of third eye chakra healing is to eliminate fears you have in order to live a fully vibrant and abundant life. Third eye chakra healing allows you to connect with your intuition to not only know what choices to make, but also take action on them to move foreword.

The AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Tower amplify energies that establishes a connection to higher realms, enhancing your psychic abilities and opening doors to future talents. Granting access to hidden abilities, experience a metaphysical transformation that aligns your energy centers, making your third eye the strongest it can be. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-realization and unlock the door to your special abilities.

Deciding to order this crystal is like unlocking a whole new level of gut feelings and vibes that can totally change the game for you. Imagine walking into situations where you just know the right calls to make, whether it's dodging bad vibes at a party or making those big, life-changing decisions without breaking a sweat.

It's like having this super cool, invincible crystal buddy giving you the heads-up on what's what, ensuring you're always a step ahead. Plus, it's not just about dodging bullets; this crystal is your golden ticket to spotting those hidden gems and opportunities that you'd usually stroll past without a second glance.

So, if you're all about upping your game and navigating life with the confidence of someone who's got their own mystical GPS, then getting your hands on this crystal could be the move that makes all the difference. It's like upgrading your life's soundtrack to that of a hero in an epic adventure movie, where you're the star, and everything just starts falling into place.

This handpicked selection of crystal is especially excellent for those new to this practice or already in touch with their spirits but need help removing blocks. It’s also great for those who feel like your guides are trying to convey a message, but you are having trouble receiving it and or understanding it. Murky messages may begin to clear, you may receive one or more dream visitations, and your divination will be more effective in nature. This crystal offers solutions in the ways that you need it.

Third Eye Awakening is the ultimate guide that will take you on an exploration of light- the eternal light that illuminates everything and makes us happy, grateful, and more humane.

Invite a piece of your AAA+ Mongolia Banded Fluorite Crystal Tower today as you can look forward to unveil secrets that had been hiding in plain sight. A mere whisper carried on the wind became a symphony of voices, a gentle touch became an overwhelming surge of emotions. As if a veil had been lifted, the true essence of reality stood revealed. Those who possessed this piece of crystal will be bestowed with a heightened intuition and an unwavering sense of direction, enabling them to navigate even the most perilous situations with effortless grace.

No obstacle was insurmountable, and the boundless universe became your domain to explore. Allow this crystal energy to guide you, placing your trust in the infinite wisdom of the universe as it leads you on your extraordinary gut-feeling journey.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. They are located in the astral body, along the spine, starting at its base and running upwards to the crown of the head. The astral body is the energy body residing inside our physical body. Each physical body part has a corresponding astral body part. The astral body cannot be seen or touched. This is also a reason why we cannot see the chakras.

The chakras radiate a specific colour and energy. Each one coincides with a gland in the physical body. Since each chakra relates to specific spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of our being, it is believed that their blockage or malfunction can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional disorders. The conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers, on the other hand, is believed to lead to well-being and good health.


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