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Humans have a sixth sense that most of us aren't using, but could learn to. Your world is experienced through the five senses. Even before you passed through the womb, you heard noises like your mother’s voice and heartbeat, and listened to muffled sounds outside. You experienced touch, taste, and even perceived light.


And since the moment of birth, you’ve attributed your experiences to what you perceive through the senses.


You’ve learned to trust your senses in what you can taste, smell, touch, see, and hear. While sense perception is great in life experience, it limits you when it comes to expanding your spiritual awareness.


At one time, you had to count on your sense of intuition and inner knowing.

Before modern technology, we had to rely on signals from the environment and a more primal instinct to guide us.


Just like birds can sense when a tsunami might hit, or squirrels know when it’s time to gather food for the winter,

humans too have an intuitive sense. We’ve simply lost touch with it as well as our ability to trust in it.

Use your inner sense to ask for guidance to make the right decisions. Taking into account your mind, intellect, and ego, you are now including your soul in the decision making process.

Just as you turned to the third chakra in the area of the solar plexus to guide you with comfort or discomfort, you will pay attention to a hunch or a subtle feeling of moving forward or holding back. If you are conflicted, ask for your sense of intuition to be opened to you in order to help give your mind the clarity it needs to make the right choice.


The Lapis Lazuli has many qualities that can enhance your life, especially in spiritual growth.

The transcendental colors of Lapis Lazuli give the hint that this gemstone is definitely connected to the spirit realms.


It carries an energy of universal wisdom that can help you find your spiritual path and step into your power.


This gemstone acts quickly to release stress and brings a deep sense of peace because of its immense power of serenity.


Lapis Lazuli is closely linked to the Third-Eye Chakra. This chakra is known for being the eye of consciousness, the one that sees all. As the sixth chakra its heavily motivated by knowledge, intuition, wisdom, and insight – basically all the things that help us to unravel our many layers to get to the core. If you have a block in your Third Eye you may feel it tricky to concentrate, to connect, and to keep your cool especially when the world around you falls into chaos.

Stress, illness, and emotional upset can all have an effect on your third eye chakra. When you awaken your Third Eye chakra you may have the ability to see further and to use the dark blue lapis to tap into hidden psychic abilities.


Lapis Lazuli is ever the gemstone to go one step further and it doesn’t stop at your Third Eye Chakra but also takes your Throat Chakra into account. As mentioned, it’s a Stone of Wisdom, and communication is also wrapped up in that. When the Throat Chakra is blocked you may struggle to feel heard, understood or you may just shy away from confrontation and expression altogether.


Using Lapis Lazuli to unblock your throat and let the truth flow is going to give you that burst of confidence, clarity, and the ability to stand up for yourself that you may have been missing.

Lapis Lazuli when used with citrine or pyrite, it attracts good luck and fortune if you connect to it well. Any owner of this gemstone will benefit from the energies that can turn all negative energies into positive ones.This crystal also helps you keep a clear head, especially if your path to wealth and success has been fraught with stress and unexpected complications.


The unique combination of Lapis and citrine will help you clarify the problems you can solve and which are best to resolve.Sometimes we need to go with the flow to attract the kind of wealth we want into our lives. This crystal can help you to feel safe enough to do this.

Likewise, an open mind is far more receptive to new ideas, and this stone is excellent for helping you to let go of old beliefs, biases, and prejudices.


Often, the readiest road to success is doing what nobody else has done before. And this crystal can help you pace up to identify new ideas that take a bit of out-of-the-box thinking.

If you find that sharing your career ideas attracts naysayers and negativity, Lapis Lazuli can keep you adjust and align your confidenence levels to your road of success. Although those who talk against our ideas often criticize because they’re trying to help,

sometimes you just have to remain with your point of view.


Keep it close with Citrine if you are serious about gaining wealth, receiving abundance, or enjoying business success and career advancement.


We can also invoke tools to assist us to “tune in or pay attention”. Prayers, meditation, the burning of positivity incense, application of aura oil, visualization, are just a few of these processes which can help us.


This Lapis Lazuli 6 sense pacer hearts is the perfect crystal "pacer" we can look to for up-to-date inspiration.


Let it empower your insights today!

6 Sense Lapis Lazuli Pacer Hearts


    Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
    For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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