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This Fengshui 7 Chakra Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet is delicately arranged in 7 natural crystals of different color comprising the red gate, sunstone, tiger eye, green phantom, aquamarine, kyanite, charoite and string with black tourmaline.


This Fengshui 7 Chakra Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet is a powerful item for any age or gender, to attract peace and calm.


It is said to balance the seven energies that are called chakras.

Achieving balanced chakras is considered to be as important as having a balanced meal – providing health and happiness in life.


It’s believed they can not only offer healing, but are an attractive and colorful accessory able to match any outfit.


The Fengshui 7 Chakra Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet typically has 7 colored charming stones, each helping one of the 7 energies.


These energy areas are: Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Sacral, Crown, Brow and Base.


Wearing the Fengshui Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet is thought to keep these 7 elements at their proper energy level, with the healing determined by the gemstone or crystal’s power.


It’s said they absorb negative energy, leaving only positive behind.


You can use this Fengshui Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet for meditation and connection with positive, life-affirming energy.


This may be possible because concentrating on the colors and the beads takes mental focus away from negativity.


This has been said to result in an optimistic and bright path in the future.

Even those without major problems, who may just desire better life energy and emotional well-being, are encouraged to try wearing this Fengshui Luck Changer Crystal Bracelet. Those who wear one should keep it clean and free from dirt, to keep all energy pure.


Black Tourmaline Powers :

Black Tourmaline comes from the earth and is considered by many to be a protective earth element. Black Tourmaline is known throughout many cultures as a powerful protective stone.


It can be placed in an environment, carried on oneself or worn in jewelry form for added protection against negative influences.


Black tourmaline, which is also known by the name Schori, is used by many different healing and spiritual modalities all over the world.


One of Black Tourmaline’s distinguishing properties is its ability to become electrically charged. You can electrically charge Black Tourmaline by simply heating it or rubbing it.


When Black Tourmaline is charged, one end becomes positive and the other negative, allowing it to attract, or repel, particles such as dust.


Black tourmaline has been used since ancient times by Shamans and healers for protection.


Today this stone is still known as a top talisman of protection, it is said that Black Tourmaline helps to create a psychic shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, entities, and/or destructive forces.


Black Tourmaline is considered by many worldwide to

protect and heal on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Black Tourmaline can also be used in your Feng Shui remedies, if you find this earth element resonates with you.


Red Agate Powers :

The red agate, also known as the Warrior’s Stone, has an orange to reddish hue. If the red agate comes in contact with the skin,

it not only relieve test anxiety, but also promote clarity and wisdom.


The Red Agate stone is going to help you make better decisions

and make you more confident whenever you have to speak your mind or make a rational decision.


Sunstone Powers :

Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily.


It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality.


Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others.


Tiger Eye Powers :

Tiger’s Eye brings many benefits to the wearer, including powerful vibrations for protection on both the physical and the spiritual planes.


It is believed to be good luck stone in many areas of your life, attracting towards you the abundance and gifts that your truly wish for.


Tiger’s Eye can help to balance and harmonize the energies of the Root, Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras.


Tiger’s Eye promises strong protection, and this includes material protection in the form of wealth.


It is stone to bring good fortune to those who are courageous enough to seek it and to work for it. There is nothing passive about this stone so you will need to set firm intentions and have the confidence to get what you want. This stone will lend you courage and strength in all of your endeavors.


Green Phantom Powers :

While all Phantoms crystals are facilitators for self-growth, Green (Chlorite) Phantom Crystals help work on self-healing and regeneration, and assist in facilitating the detoxification process by removing unwanted energy.


They also help in grounding any excessive emotions directly into the Earth, which allows the user to achieve a greater state of balance.


Green Phantoms are also great for helping us to recognize the earth we live in and it’s needs as a living being and by doing this connect to her at a fundamental level.


Wear Green Phantom Quartz bracelet will not only improve your career opportunities but also wealth luck. Besides, it is a protective stone for your heart.


Wearing Green Phantom Quartz will increase your productivity at works and to obtain better rewards in returns.


Aquamarine Powers :

Aquamarine is associated with tranquility, serenity, clarity, and harmony. As the first of the spring birthstones,

the sea blue crystal represents transformation and rebirth. It embodies youthful vitality, purity, loyalty, hope, and truth.


Kyanite Powers :

Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages,

moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility.


It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.

Charoite Powers :

Charoite is a stone that bridges the higher dimensions with the physical plane.

It does this by linking the heart and crown to combine the high vibrations of the spiritual plane with unconditional love on the Earthly plane.


Extremely high vibrations into the heart while sending the heart’s love and desires into higher vibrational realms.


Merging the heart and crown in this manner creates an environment of unconditional love within the self.


This increases one’s giving nature and opens the heart to see the connection that exists between all of us.


Charoite also activates the latent inner knowledge that leads one to the path of service to the world.


When in full resonation with this stone, one’s internal work easily reflects outward and becomes a part of their service to their own life path, transformation, and the world as a whole.

7 Chakra Luck Changer 七星转运手链


Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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