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The Dragon Blood Fumigation Sage is no ordinary tool for cleansing—it's a mystical catalyst, imbued with the ancient power to transcend your current existence and propel you into a life teeming with endless possibilities. 


When you ignite this sacred sage, its crimson smoke swirls through the air like a dragon awakening from slumber, breathing life into your deepest aspirations. As it burns, the sage releases potent energies that dissolve the limitations of your present reality, opening a portal to realms where your untapped potential lies dormant.


But the true magic of Dragon Blood Sage unfolds when you synchronize its power with the Feng Shui auspicious stars 6 and 8—celestial beacons of wealth and prosperity. By aligning the cleansing ritual with these powerful stars, you ignite a spark of relentless abundance that permeates every corner of your life. 


The smoke nourishes the seeds of untold abilities within you and your living space, creating an energetic environment ripe for financial opportunities to take root and flourish. Whether it's job offers, lucrative business ventures, or unexpected windfalls, the surge of prosperity that follows is undeniable. Dragon Blood Sage not only cleanses; it transforms, allowing you to step into a future brimming with wealth, success, and boundless potential.


The Dragon Blood Fumigation Sage consists of white sage leaves infused with "dragon's blood", an incense with a restorative and regenerating action derived from the sap of the dragon tree, a sacred tree native to South America. This fumigation stick therefore has a more complete and powered up purifying action, combining the virtues of white sage with those of dragon's blood.


White sage has been used for millennia in many cultures for its sacred and purifying action, thanks to its antiseptic properties.


Its dried leaves gathered in a stick or bouquet allows use by fumigation.

Like incense, just burn one end, wait a few seconds before blowing out the flame and letting its purifying smoke diffuse within your home, but also on your stones and jewelry, to rid them of any negative vibrations that may have accumulated there.

Dragon Blood Fumigation Sage

SKU: DB3099

    Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
    For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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