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* Kyanite Forms will be distributed randomly.


Kyanite has many metaphysical properties, including being a great stone for attunements.


It is excellent for balancing the chakras, especially when one chakra is out of balance then it can help to realign them into proper working condition.


Kyanite is also a great stone for healing, especially when it comes to balancing the body. It can also help to align your spine if you are suffering from back pain, and make sure that everything is working properly.


Kyanite is known as a “recorder” of energy, meaning if you have had an experience with this stone it will often remind you of that experience when you are working with it in the future.


It will also aid you in gaining a new perspective on a problem by allowing you to see things from a different angle and can help to align your energy fields if they become misaligned or out of balance.


Particularly, Blue Kyanite will help to clear the throat chakra and it has a calming effect.


It is good at relieving stress and anxiety as well as detoxifying your system from chemicals that you have been exposed to within the environment.


Blue Kyanite can be used to enhance communication and mental clarity. It can also help you release pent-up emotions that you may have been repressing for a very long time.


It can help with finding your voice and expressing yourself, as well as helping to remove emotional blockages so that you can communicate on a deeper level.

Blue kyanite is a good luck stone, especially when it comes to wealth and career. Owning a blue kyanite and wearing it close to your body will fill you with the energies that will attract good luck to you!


It’s a very handy crystal to have when you are about to make a sales presentation, or when you are about to close a deal with a buyer or client.

It’s a powerful stone that will bring good luck to negotiations. When it involves two people or more than one party, blue kyanite can symbolize very favorable news.


It can positively influence people and make them see your vision. It can positively affect the energy in the room and turn the odds in your favor! However, there are no right or wrong colors of kyanite to really turn to in these situations – when it comes to wealth, or any other kind of energy, some people prefer or are drawn to certain hues more than others. Trust your gut on this, and follow your intuition.


The grounding energies of kyanite can help you to find a good balance in that regard.


Kyanite is also a crystal of growth. If you want your career or your business to grow, this is the crystal that you should hold on to.

This also applies for when you want to grow as a leader or if you take on an influecing role. It’s the crystal that can help you make your dreams come true.

Kyanite also signifies expansion. When you are surrounded by the energies of this crystal, business expansion or a growth in your assets will happen sooner or later.


Similar to Sunstone, it also symbolizes new beginnings. Even if things did not work out so well for you in the past, the blue kyanite will cleanse all the bad energies and allow you to start over with a clean slate.


Kyanite healing properties are always very much something that spiritually inclined folks, and those who collect crystal, feel grateful for, for this reason.

Having a fresh bill of health or a clean new beginning to build from is something that becomes all the more valuable the older we get.


However, sometimes to make way for the new, the old has to crumble apart, and this can be a scary experience to even the best of us.


However, kyanite and its energies can ground you in the moment, as well as giving you insight into, and appreciation of, the bigger picture.


Where one door closes, another opens, as the saying goes. Kyanite can help you to recognize those doors, or opportunities, as and when they arrive. It will likewise help you find the initiative within yourself to make the most of these positive encounters as and when they arrive.


When you need to act fast, you’ll know when to do so.

When you need to take your time and consider the options, or avoid rash mistakes, this gemstone similarly inspires patience and rationale.


It can also help you to convey your ideas effectively to those who matter most to your personal success and development.


Wear your blue kyanite with citrine when you’re addressing important people who can make a huge impact on your business.

When you’re trying to win someone over, or when you’re trying to sell a product, or when you want people to get on board with your ideas, clutch or wear your kyanite crystal with citrine in your hand or with you. You will definitely see the difference!


Enhance your luck cycle today with our Fengshui Luck Boosting Raw Kyanite Necklace!



Fengshui Raw Kyanite Necklace 风水蓝晶项链


    Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
    For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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