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Selenite plate (variety of fibrous gypsum) engraved with the symbol of the flower of life.
The plates are engraved by hand, each piece is unique. The selenite plate is ideal for the purification and recharging of amulets, talisman, stones, minerals and crystals.


Known here as the Super Cleanser, this powerful crystal is able to clear negative energies within a space and any crystals placed near or on it.

Selenite is deeply linked to the notion of inner peace and serenity. Its use tends towards tranquility and harmony. Indeed, selenite acts as an emotional regulator.

This mineral also helps the metabolism to rest, thus offering a feeling of inner, psychic and physiological calm, absolute.

Its use promotes a peaceful and restorative sleep. Antispasmodic, it would calm the pain associated with menstruation.


The Flower Of Life Symbol : Beautiful and Unique Tool for Empowerment and Manifestation

The Flower Of Life symbol in sacred geometry, consists of 19 overlapping circles that create a repeating six petaled flower like pattern. These petal shapes are what is known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla in sacred geometry.


The hexagonal geometry of the Flower Of Life can be seen in many crystals such as Quartz, Rubies and Emeralds for example. It also exists in fruit, flowers, cells and snowflakes. It is almost like the framework behind life, nature and all of creation. The symbol has been said to hold the blueprint for the entire Universe. It is connected to the energy behind the physical world.

The Flower of Life is a physical representation of the connections that we feel to all living things. Of the sacred, the divine, in each of us. We are not separate from the divine, it resides in every cell of our bodies.

Flower Of Life Crystal grids are a potent way to “place your order to the Universe”: to fully and clearly express your wishes and desires about current conditions and future outcomes.

You can see it almost like a universal symbol. Because it connects to the energy behind all things and the Universe, it can be used for all purposes. The Flower of Life works well for manifesting and healing work.


Diameter : 10cm+/- Expect slight difference.



Flower of Life Selenite Plate Hexagon


Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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