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The Grand Duke Jupiter, God or the Year or Tai Sui is a powerful, astrological energy important to practitioners of feng shui as well as students of Taoism.


The Tai Sui prefers serenity, peace and calm but creates a horrid negative energy if aggravated or confronted.


There are sixty different stars, each corresponding to a different [usually military] general, that annually takes a turn in controlling the fortunes of mankind.


Because these “generals” are confrontational, it is imperative to be conscious of their directional energy and avoid facing it directly in your daily habits of sleeping, eating, working and relaxing.


It is also most advisable to not execute any type of renovation, change or movement to the directional area in which the Grand Duke Jupiter resides for the year.


Confrontation of the Grand Duke can also be an issue for those whose zodiac sign is in conflict (directly or indirectly) with the Tai Sui of the year.


Which zodiac sign is in conflict changes every year, so you will need to get updates every time new year is approaching to better prepare to protect yourself.


The Grand Duke Token is the specifically and most recommended cure for appeasing the Grand Duke Jupiter. It is often recommended that if your astrological sign is in direct or indirect conflict with the Grand Duke Jupiter for the year that a Pi Yao should be worn or carried on you at all times. Likewise if your maindoor, living hall or bedroom is facing his direction.


Just what kind of negative energies do we want to protect against that can be caused by the Tai Sui?


Bad luck of all kinds. Loss of health, wealth or well-being in the form of serious illness or injury, crimes committed against you, heartbreak or loss of a loved one and setbacks in your career and finances.


Thankfully the Grand Duke Jupiter also has the power to offer us tremendous support if we keep him at our backs. The large steady energy of the Tai Sui is likened to a grounding mountain helping us forward. For this reason feng shui practitioners pay particular attention to the yearly location of the grand duke Jupiter.


To appease Tai Sui of the year, you can dispaly the bodyguard , miracle dragon turtle and this Grand Duke Token or a "Tai Sui image" in the afflicted sector. Carry or wear zodiac luck starter or miracle protection charms if your horoscope sign, maindoor, living room or bedroom is afflicted by Tai Sui.

Grand Duke Token 太岁将军令牌



Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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