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Japanese Cedar cleansing have been used for centuries in Japan rituals and cleansing ceremonies. It's best known for it's power to purify places, objects and people. Cedar is best known for it's ability to attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy.


The smoke of burning cedar is said to attract the good spirits and eliminate negative energies. Ethically sourced from Japan to neutralize negative vibrations, improve sleep, as well as alleviate anxiety and stress.


Cedar Leaves provide grounding and joy when involved with personal transformation whether internal (new values, attitudes, beliefs) or external (new job, house) and it allows you to 'be' in the present moment.


Cedar Leaves is an herb of protection. Cedar trees are very old, wise and powerful spirits. Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.


It works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction.

Weekly igniting of this Japanese Cedar Leaves will help to bring down negative influences quickly and regenerate energy by bringing back things in order. 


Experience the power of our Sacred Japanese Cedar Leaves Kit, meticulously fengshuied with an abalone shell to add a touch of divine positive aura energy from the ocean. 

What is smudging ritual?

Smudging is a ritual to cleanse or clear a person, a place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences.


A smudging ceremony is the ritual of burning plant resins and herbs in a shell or a clay bowl while intentions and prayers are called forth. For centuries, Native American and Indigenous cultures have practiced smudging rituals to clear away negative energy, to invite in peace and harmony for individuals or environments. The smoke from the herbs and the plant resins are fanned using a feather or a hand and directed like a spiritual cleansing bath surrounding the person or the space.


The purpose of this cleansing ritual is to clear away anxieties, sadness, impurities, dark thoughts or unwanted energies that may have attached themselves to a space or an individual.


Smudging is most often performed before or as part of a ceremony to clear the environment and the people from certain thoughts or feelings that will not serve the highest good in themselves. For this reason, it is important to set a clear intention while smudging.


As the smudging ceremony is practiced, the smoke rises and so do the prayers to mother earth, father sky, to the sun and the moon, to the plants, the animals and the water. The burning of the sacred plants- Sage, Cedar, Eucalyptus Leaves - to name a few, support the connection to the sacred realms between the earth and spirit. 


Through this connect to spirit the smoke bath lifts negative feelings and energy and creates an opening for prayers and intentions to be heard, therefore bringing positive intention into practice.


We encourage you to do your research about toxicity and uses before ingesting any herb. 


Always consult your doctor before trying to treat, diagnose or cure any medical condition. These items are sold for spiritual & holistic purpose only and should not be used in place of medical advice. If you have any chronic illnesses, conditions or allergies you should not use herbs without first consulting your doctor.



Japanese Cedar Leaves Cleansing Kit


The Japanese Cedar Cleansing Leave Kit consist of :

  • 1 Japanese Cedar Leaves Bundle
  • 1 Abalone Shell 

Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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