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The Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash is a strong psychic good luck protection stone and will benefit you by shielding you from all negativity.


This makes it very helpful to keep it within your auric field. Black obsidian Crystal is especially beneficial if you are doing any type of work involving contact with the spiritual or energy world as they are highly protective. 


Chi, also known as Qi or Prana, is the vital life force that flows through all living beings. It's the essence that sustains and animates life. This Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash taps into this universal energy, amplifying and balancing it within you.


Keep it close to you as it raises your vibration involves elevating your energetic frequency to a higher level. This fengshui calabash is fengshuied to facilitate this shift, allowing you to experience a heightened state of consciousness and a deeper connection with the universal energy flow.


The Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash energy also brings a renewed flow of the essence of life itself to any living creature or plant that you channel the energy into. Use it daily to unlock stiff muscles and joints. Give repotted plants the boost they need to bounce back. Help recovery from illness for you or your loved ones. Put a spring back into your step at any age.


This power initiation brings you into full resonance with the energy of the Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash. The initiation, also known as attunements by some, connects you permanently to the pure, unfiltered and complete energy of the Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash.


Once you are initiated to the energy of the Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash you will be able to flow the energy through your own body and energy system.


The energy can be used for healing, regaining youthful energy, and lessening the effects of aging. It can be used in your magickal or spiritual practices and the many others benefits that come from renewing one’s Life Force.


Black obsidian crystal is also an excellent aid to help you to release any negativity that your day-to-day life may have caused. This negativity may be present within your auric field and needs to be removed, to aid your ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual health.


The external world is a reflection of your internal state. Raising your vibration aligns you with higher frequencies, which in turn attracts experiences, people, and opportunities that resonate with your elevated energy.


Increasing your life force energy leads to improved physical health, higher energy levels, and increased vitality. Elevating your life force energy often leads to a deeper spiritual connection, profound insights, and accelerated spiritual growth.


Let your Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash increase your chi power that support overall well-being, addressing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being.


Elevate your being today, raise your vibration, and increase your life force with this transformative Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash and step into a new level of good luck, vitality, well-being, and spiritual growth!


Luck Lifeforce Obsidian Fengshui Calabash

SKU: LL116


Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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