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What happens in life is not as random as we may believe.


Visions become reality because we consciously (and subconsciously) are open to connecting the dots for a desired future.


Each of us are on our personal growth journeys, and a little light on the path can help.

Wear the Luck Visioner Bracelet especially curated with the combination of Yellow Tiger eyes and Smokey Quartz Boosters and you will become the point of attraction or all things abundant and fulfilled.

Envision good Luck that begins in the mind and this is dependent only on the full use of our creative imagination. Allow the Smokey quartz to remove bad vibes and replace them with the highest vibrations.


The discovery of your full potential and long-term ambition is within your reach with our blissful Luck Visioner Bracelet.


Yellow Tiger Eye Powers :


Yellow Tiger Eye boasts a high popularity as a stone that enhances "fortune" and "work fortune" and supports the achievement of the person's dreams and goals.


The surface pattern looks like a tiger's eye, so it is considered to be a "stone that sees everything", and the effect that enhances "insight" is said to be very strong.


It is said that this effect gives the owner the power to see the essence of things, reject all the misfortunes, and bring about success.


As a result, you will discover only what you really need, work to make the best decisions from time to time, and will lead you to the goal.


It is also said to have the effect of enhancing decision and action, and is a stone that helps those who try to do something new.


People who can not move forward or who are troubled or thought about will become aware of their negative feelings of fear, trauma and anxiety about their failure.


In addition, because there is a power to enhance the "inspiration" is also recommended for people who work in need of flash and ideas.


The Luck Vision can also be used as a talisman to repel evil power since ancient times, so it's perfect for those who are troubled with human relations problems.


By spreading many trustworthy connections, it will also lead to better work luck.

"Yellow Tiger Eye" boasts a high popularity as a stone that enhances the fortune and work luck and supports the achievement of aspirations.


It has been popular as an "eye to see everything" because the stripes on the surface look like tiger eyes.

The power of the "eye" is said to enhance the owner's insight, see the essence of things, eliminate disasters, and bring about success.


Smokey Quartz Powers :


Smoky Quartz is known as the Stone of Power because its ability to clear out negative energy helps us to reduce painful memories and release what is holding us back so that we can achieve our potential and purpose.


Like all quartz crystals, Smoky Quartz is exceptionally beneficial in helping you to manifest your wishes and dreams.


It plumbs your mind for your desires and brings them into being in the physical world through its connection to the Earth.


When you hold onto too much energy, there is very little room for new energy to enter. To make space for better things in your life, it’s important to leave behind that which no longer serves you – whether it’s thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, feelings, memories, or anything else that you have been carrying around with you.


When you are ready to let go of your energetic baggage, the Smoky Quartz crystal meaning can help to cleanse and detoxify your mind, body and spirit.


The Smoky Quartz crystal stone works by guiding you to recognize the energies you need to release and absorbing them from your energy field so you do not have to hold onto them any longer.


That’s why the stone itself has a darker, smoke-like tint – because it takes on all the lower vibrations leaving your energy field.


Once you’ve handed over your unwanted energies to the crystal, you can reach a higher state of being and connect back to feelings of joy, positivity and light.


With the energetic grime cleared away, you can let your light shine bright.


With its subtle shades of brown, the Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties work to reconnect us to the earth and its life-giving soil, making it one of the best stones for grounding and balancing. Use Smoky Quartz as a gentle, healing force that anchors you to the ground beneath your feet and provides the energetic stability you need when life gets chaotic.


Through its grounding force, the Smoky Quartz crystal meaning helps you to stay calm, cool and collected as you navigate challenging or difficult situations in your life.


In this way, the Smoky Quartz crystal stone acts as a support system – one you can lean on endlessly and rely upon for a lifetime.


Envision your luck today!

Luck Visioner


    Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
    For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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