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To be effective in work environments today, you must be able to influence people. Your title alone isn’t always enough to sway others, nor do you always have a formal position. 


So, what’s the best way to position yourself as an informal leader? How do you motivate colleagues to support your initiatives and adopt your ideas? How can you become a go-to person that others look to for guidance and expert advice?


The Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet has the highest vibrations to aid communication and self-expression. It's amplifying energy will stimulate the Throat Chakra so you can connect with the highest guidance to express yourself clearly.


The Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet can help you communicate what you want to say and also help you understand others more fully. It’s an excellent fengshui bracelet to use when communicating with other people in business, meetings or negotiations as it will create a positive atmosphere that is conducive for clear communication.


Wearing the Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet often will help you to increase your personal magnetism, clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as telepathy, astral travel and remote viewing. This can make it a good choice if you want to develop or strengthen your psychic abilities. Its high vibration also makes it useful for meditation, especially when you are working with your psychic gifts to magically influence a situation towards the outcome you desire.


This Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet is designed thoughtfully with arrangement and use of 
high-powered crystals comprising the Blue Kyanite, Aquarmarine and Clear Quartz help you to bring about the right Aura for effective communication and this can include both speaking and being able to listen mindfully. 


If you have issues with communicating clearly or hearing others properly then this is your must-go-to fengshui bracelet to work with as it will help you express your thoughts more precisely while also allowing you to listen more carefully so that you hear what someone else is really saying instead of just what their words mean on the surface level.


Tuck the Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet under your pillow during your sleep as it can be use during sleeping time to explore past life issues that may be affecting your current life. The energy of the Mind Influencer Bracelet  helps you understand the emotional and subconscious issues you are facing. It also helps you determine if your belief systems are still serving you.


The Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet is useful for uncovering past life problems or trauma that may have left energetic imprints on your aura or chakras. You can work with the Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet while meditating or sleeping to allow insights into past life issues that might be affecting your present time experience of emotionality or belief systems.


Aquamarine Crystals :

Aquamarine is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, opening the mind to higher levels of consciousness and promoting greater insight and understanding. Its calming energy helps to reduce mental clutter and promote mental clarity, allowing individuals to tap into their intuitive and spiritual gifts with greater ease and precision.


As a gemstone associated with communication, Aquamarine is often used to strengthen communication skills and improve self-expression. Its energy promotes honest and open dialogue, reducing inhibitions and fears around speaking one’s truth. The gemstone is often used by writers, artists, and other creative individuals seeking to enhance their communication skills or overcome creative blocks.


Aquamarine’s energy resonates with the throat chakra, helping to stimulate and balance this important energy center. By promoting clear communication, self-expression, and personal power, the gemstone can help to align the throat chakra, allowing individuals to express their thoughts and emotions with greater ease and confidence.


In addition to its focus on the throat chakra, Aquamarine can also be used to balance and energize other chakras throughout the body’s energy system. Its soothing energy promotes relaxation and balance, helping to release blockages and restore the free flow of energy throughout the body.


Blue Kyanite Crystals : 

Blue Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility.  It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.  It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought. Blue Kyanite provides a stimulating energy, encouraging perseverance in and support of activities and situations which would normally reduce one’s strength.  It can help when connecting to your spirit guides.  Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams.


Blue Kyanite opens the throat chakra, encouraging communication and self-expression.  It cuts through fears and blockages, helping to speak one’s truth.  It is very useful for public speakers and performers as it strengthens the voice and heals the throat and the larynx.


Clear Quartz Crystals :

Clear Quartz Crystal is known to absorb, store, and regulate the release of energy. It amplifies energy and is ideally used for crystal wands and in crystal gridding to amplify the power of other stones. 


By producing a field of healing negative ions, the Clear Quartz crystal protects the aura by controlling the energies inside your body. It's a crystal that adapts to who you are and works harmoniously with your body, mind and soul to ensure that you are at your best self.


The Clear Quartz Crystal harmonizes all Chakras because of its prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all the color frequencies. Notably, this crystal stimulates the crown chakra, which allows the owner to connect with the higher realm and leap into infinite possibilities.


Embark on a transformative journey with your very own Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet today and allow you to shape thoughts, amplify attraction and let your whispers be heard with the full power of magnetic pull in cosmic forces to entwine your influencing intentions! 



Mind Influencer Fengshui Bracelet


Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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