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Attune your personal energy systems to the vibrational qualities associated with financial abundance and prosperity.

When you expose yourself to these specific energy frequencies, your personal energy resonates with them and consequently starts to mirror their properties.


Imagine your personal energy as an orchestra. Now, these frequencies can be likened to a tuning fork that helps each instrument (or aspect of your energy) to align itself to the perfect pitch. Here, the pitch is the vibrational state that reflects abundance and prosperity.


Just like an orchestra produces harmonious music when every instrument is in tune, your life can manifest abundance and prosperity when your energies are in tune with these qualities

Additionally, the frequent spinning process also works to eliminate certain limitations that prevent you from experiencing financial abundance.


Think of these limitations as clutter in your energy field. They could be anything from self-limiting beliefs, negative energy imprints, or recurring patterns that block your path to prosperity. This process works to clear out this clutter, thereby making room for more abundance-friendly energies to take residence.


Using this spinning technique regularly can be beneficial in multiple ways. First, every spin offers an opportunity to deepen the imprint of prosperity frequencies in your energy field. Essentially, it's like strengthening a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. So, the more you activate these frequencies, the stronger your energy aligns with the state of abundance.


An energetic spin on your wealth spot not only focuses on financial prosperity but also ushers in positive transformations in other aspects of your life. As you begin to clear out the clutter and align your energies with the frequency of abundance, you may notice improvements in your relationships, overall happiness, and well-being.


To make the most of this spinning process, it's advisable to keep an open mind, practice consistently, and pair it with other personal development practices like goal setting, mindfulness, and financial planning. Also, while results may vary from person to person, it's important to maintain realistic expectations and give the process some time to work.


Regardless of the immediate results, you are bound to benefit from the increased positivity and alignment in your energy field.

Cleanse the Rotatable Fengshui Frequency Compass with fengshui incense for a general clearing, which is a form of energy work intended to purge the body of old, stagnant energies, facilitating a rebalancing of your energetic system. Light fengshui candles after each spin for intended healing energies that will be send to activate your attunement.


The Rotatable Fengshui Frequency Compass attunes your personal energy systems to the vibrational qualities associated with financial abundance and prosperity. Faith must be placed in the process of spinning from a calm and patient mindset. You must be intentionally aligned with this intention and open to seeing its effects take place. 



Rotatable Fengshui Frequency Compass

  • Cinnbar blessings on compass will be done. Kindly inform us before you order with your name/contact if you prefer your item not be blessed. 

Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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