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Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit represents Joy and happiness which is symbolic to bring Prosperity and Good Luck. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He removes any potential obstacles and enables our endeavours to succeed. He is also worshipped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.


In spite of hard work quiet often we are not able to get the desired job. Success eludes us in job interview due to bad luck. 

Offer your intentions to Lord Ganesha while preparing for the interview and while going to give a test or interview. Break a coconut before Ganesha and take his blessings before any important event in life.


The Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit provides intelligence, awareness, consciousness and luck.

He has control over all the navagrahas as he is a combined form of all grahas. Therefore, any trouble related to bad positioning of planets or grahas in horoscope will be removed. He also alleviates bad luck and negative energy.


When Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit is present, you get the blessing of all deities. Above all, he is Vigneshwara, the one who removes all forms of difficulties. Therefore, for success in interview and jobs one should offer flowers, sweets or prayers to the Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit.


If you're feeling stuck or blocked on your path to success, Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit can help you break through barriers and achieve your goals. The Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit harnesses the energy of divine magic to clear away obstacles, bring opportunities, and align you with the vibration of success.


Tagua is native to South America and considered sacred to Indigenous people- for this reason, you should always treat Tagua Nut with the utmost respect.


It is a seed harvested from a Phytelephas Aequatorialis or “Tagua Palm.” Having a striking resemblance to natural Ivory, this Ivory Nut is a fair trade product which helps reduce the demand for illegal poaching and Ivory harvesting.


Amazonian Indigenous people used Tagua in ancient rituals and believed it to hold feminine energy- bringing powers of abundance, attraction, fertility, and happiness.

Success Ganesha Ivory Fruit


Natural Hand Carved 

Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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