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The Heart of the Shurangama Mantra is the Shurangama Mantra in a concise manner. The Shurangama Mantra is excerpted from the Surangama Sutra. 

The Heart of the Shurangama Mantra encompasses the aspiration and the intent of Buddhas and bodhisattvas. 


Considered that the entire Shurangama Mantra is lengthy, for the timely convenience, one could recite the Heart of the Shurangama Mantra or be as close as possible with it. It helps to bring forth our innate wisdom, to dispel obstacles, and to remove obscurations. As well, the mantra confers great blessing from Buddhas and bodhisattvas. 


According to sutras, by practicing or staying close faithfully with the Heart of the Shurangama Mantra, one could attain the unsurpassable enlightenment; subjugate demonic forces; defeat tirthikas; turn the Wheel of Dharma; receive a prophecy from the Buddha; liberate suffering ones, and bless the Lesser Vehicle practitioners to be unafraid of hearing the definitive teaching on the tathagatagarbha and aspire to the Mahayana path.


Shakyamuni Buddha proclaimed the Shurangama Mantra in order to protect of all of us who have brought forth the initial resolve to study the Way; to aid us in attaining samadhi; to help us be at peace in body and mind; and to keep us out of trouble.


Wherever this mantra abides, gods and dragons will rejoice, weather will be clement and seasonal, crops will be abundant, people will be free and sleep in peace, joy abound.


The Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet can be placed on the altar before the Buddha (not on the same level though). The Monks and Nuns of most Chinese Pure Land temples recite the Surangama Mantra daily or often.Have yours "activated" with the Monks and Nuns. Chanted Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet have magical powers of protection.


The Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet is way more powerful when cleansed, fengshuied and chanted, and is also powerful when worn as amulet. If you can do both, it is obvious that one can magnify its effect. However, in choosing Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet it is highly advisable to wear something that is blessed by a Mahayana Buddhist monk, specifically Pure Land Buddhist monks and preferably a high ranking one because this usually means that this particular monk has a higher level of experience and divinity.


It is only when this is done that the Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet becomes truly divine and powerful.


The fengshuied Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet may also be used as decors by hanging them loosely to handbags, cellphones, or the rear-mirror inside a car. They have the power of protection against accidents.


Power-charged pendants may also help children who wear them excel in their schoolwork because when they’re reciting the Mantra, it is in itself training for mental clarity and endurance.


The Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet is one of the most powerful amulet one can use during the Hungry Ghost month and also for those whose job involves working in Yin places like hospitals, cemetery, funeral parlor, or if you go to one of these places. It is also a very powerful protection for those who travel a lot and for those who work at night.


But more than that, because of chanting the Surangama Mantra or wearing the Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet, as mentioned earlier, powerful Heavenly Beings that has an affinity with the chanter or wearer, what will also develop a very positive aura, will surround one and thus one will have a competitive advantage in business and other endeavors.


Please note that when wearing the Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet, you are surrounded by Heavenly Beings, so when engaging in intimate physical activity with your spouse or partner, it is better to keep the Surangama Mantra inside a pouch (preferably red or yellow) and properly set aside.


After use, return the Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet to the home altar where you offer flowers, water, incense, light, fruits and prayers to the Buddha. Do not let it lie about to collect dirt.

Invite yours today!


Surangama Mantra Cinnabar Amulet 楞严咒朱砂护身符

  • Necklace is adjustable.
  • The Amulet contains Fengshuied Blessed Chips in it. Kindly indicate [SKIP] upon checking out under remarks, if you do not wish to have it fenghuied.

Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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