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Eagle Eye is famous as a stone that symbolizes the "eye of a wolf" and a power stone that brings fortune from ancient times. It is said that this brilliance will give us the "insight" and "intuition" that can sense the future events and the essence of things.


With this ability to “see through” you will be able to make the best decisions in any situation and gain a chance to connect with fortune. It can be said that it is an effective stone to bring a positive action on money in life, such as when starting a new business or reducing wasted expenses.


Eagle Eye Stone has a glassy, iridescent and pebbly appearance. Silkily glowing, this stone provides a relaxing effect to its beholder - good if you are easily stressed out. The Eagle Eye is a powerful and courageous tool for increasing vitality and provides the strong-will and determination to progress despite obstacles.


If you are considering making changes in your life, such as to make progress in love or career, the stone you need is the Eagle Eye. Eagle Eye enhances leadership, authority, understanding and analytic skills. It also increases devotion and aids in smoothing differences between life partners.


The Eagle’s Eye stone, also known as pietersite, is part of the family of quartz gemstones and is composed mainly of a combination of Tiger’s Eye and Hawk’s Eye quartz. It is also comprised of several other trace mineral compounds and amphibole fibers which create the characteristic blue chatoyancy, or “cat-eye” effect.


In opposition to the swirling turmoil of the color pattern, Eagle’s Eye stones are considered to be effective for calming emotional turmoil and providing balance and clarity to your mind. Eagle’s Eye stones also possess the power to cleanse your aura of negative emotions and dispel illusions, allowing you to see more clearly the lies of others and those you tell yourself.


This helps removes self-doubt, promotes confidence and boosts your self-esteem allowing you to fulfill your potential without emotional blockages in your way.


Eagle’s Eye stones are said to be powerful stones for enhancing the vision and scope of your Third Eye chakra, which is why many crystal healing practitioners suggest it for use during meditation and spiritual growth exercises.


It is suggested that Eagle’s Eye can be used to become more aware of your inner thoughts and emotions, allowing you to live a more mindful and fulfilling life.



Gold Sheen Obsidian is a stone of magic, known in ancient times as the Wizard’s Stone. Obsidian is born when molten lava oozes from the core to the surface of the Earth and solidifies into a beautiful glass. The beautiful gold sheen is a result of gas getting trapped in the glass as it rapidly solidifies.


Gold Obsidian helps us dive deep within to face our deepest fears, and traumas at their root. Only when we understand and overcome those issues can we begin to set course on life's golden path.


It helps to put the ego at bay so one can think clearly, and objectively. It is made for anyone that is embarking on a journey to figure themselves out, and find their life purpose,

while remaining protected from all negative energies.


Golden sheen obsidian is believed, by crystal practitioners, to be particularly suitable for scrying. It is also thought to be ideal for balancing energy fields and releasing the ego. The reflective nature of obsidian makes it one of the first stones used in self-reflective meditation, internal growth and self-understanding. The stone is not thought to give energy, but to help seekers discover where healing needs to happen.


Golden sheen obsidian is affiliated with the root chakra, though it is said to have applications to the solar plexus and third eye chakras. It is assigned to the western astrological sign Sagittarius.




Citrine energises every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success.


It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect.


Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalises the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing.


Also known as the “Light Maker,” the Citrine crystal has a bright yellow hue, which reflects its equally vibrant energy. Like Vitamin C for the soul, the Citrine crystal properties emanate positivity and joy. By connecting with Citrine, you can harness the energy of light and the energy of the sun embodied within this stone, which acts as a source of positive energy in all aspects of your life. From your attitude and outlook to your projects and pursuits, the Citrine crystal healing properties are perfectly suited to raise your vibration and help you embrace positivity and optimism as you move through life.


The Citrine crystal meaning is associated with wealth and abundance, which is why it is often called “The Merchant Stone” or “The Success Stone.”


In fact, if your intention involves achieving success in financial or business ventures, this is one of the best stones for boosting those manifestations.

The Citrine crystal stone is also linked with boosting joy and optimism, which gives you the motivation you need to accomplish your goals.


Citrine infuses your spirit with positive energy, which is a powerful tool when manifesting wealth or any other creation.


Another reason a Citrine crystal is so powerful for manifesting and attracting wealth and success is that it is a member of the Quartz family.


As an amplifier and magnifier, Citrine strengthens your intentions and makes your manifestation practice that much more powerful.

Wealth Hunter


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