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THE WINNING HEART is good for building rapport and assisting one to increase magnetisim between colleagues, couples and family members.




40-49G - AMH49

50-59G - AMH59

60-69G - AMH69

70-79G - AMH79


** All other weights sold out, no backorder / no waitlist / no pre-orders of this same grading. 

** The Winning Hearts will be given out randomly accordingly to the weight group you purchase. Be ensured that the grading are of AA quality. However do take note that all our crystal are natural and they may come with imperfections. 


[WINNING HEARTS] AA Uruguay Amethyst Hearts -


Crystal energy flows with the invisible magnetism that surrounds us.

Some crystals and minerals are considered ferromagnetic and have a stronger magnetic field, however, all matter has magnetic properties (some hard to detect) because all matter is made of rotating charged particles (electrons and protons), that create magnetic fields.


In crystal fengshui, the magnetic properties of the Earth that come from it’s iron core and magnetic field influence our individual healing.

This interesting concept can be applied to boost crystal and crystal healing sessions when the placement of crystals are used.


Amethyst, a stunning crystal stone that can be found in all shades of sparkly purple, is known to help reduce anxiety and can even help you overcome anxiety attacks naturally.


This calming crystal relieves anxiety surrounding relationships, allowing you to have the conversations needed and make the necessary changes. This builds strong relationships and improves on areas that can use some attention, hence build the rapport you need easily and quickly.


Building rapport is creating a relationship with other person.

Rapport is based on commonality, harmony and human connections. Here we classify 3 types of building rapports.


1. Normal Rapport

Rapport is easy when you and the person have a lot in common, which we call normal rapport. We have a lot in common with people that we share context with such as work, past experience like university attended or someone we share the same environment such as family member. Do you practice connecting with people at family gathering or work social gatherings? This is your easiest training ground.


2. Impromptu Rapport

The type of rapport that does not come as natural is the Impromptu rapport, you may not know the other person but you may find something you both have in common and then start an initial connection.


For example, on your vacation you set across a person wearing a tee shirt with your city name or you are in a sales meeting and you find the person across the conference table using the same Apple Mac that you are using.


Both of these examples will make it easier to start a conversation with strangers, as it will be based on your chance commonality and the opportunity to build a rapport. Take a notice of people around you that you may not know but you may have something in common.


Practice starting conversation around that commonality first and then ask another question so you get to know something more about them.


3. Custom rapport

The hardest type of rapport is custom rapport, this is a rapport that does not come from any type of commonality or shared past experience.


For custom rapport to happen you have to make an effort, do your homework and find out something you have in common with the other person in order to strike up a conversation. It takes practice and energy and may not be comfortable if you are not used to doing this very often.


Next time you are attending a company function or a conference look at some of the session speakers, read one or two of the bios, attend their sessions and then strike up a conversation or ask them a question at the end. The pre-work will allow you the chance to get the information, the session will give you context of discussion and the overall setting will give you the chance to practice custom rapport.


When you try to make a connection with another person whether it is a business or personal setting it takes good positive energy and it takes practice. It is a known fact that over 80% of sales, marketing and initial connections are made through networking.


The stronger you are at rapport building, the stronger networker you will become. Practice all three types of rapport building: normal, Impromptu and Custom Rapport and always have a fengshuied Fengshui Crystal Winning Hearts with you and you will be well on your way!


Try practicing breathing techniques while holding Fengshui Winning Hearts in your palm, or bring along this Fengshui Winning Heart to keep its peaceful energy surrounding you.


The Fengshui Winning Hearts is one of the best crystal choice for relationship (home/work/spouse) issues of all kinds that can help you heal and strengthen your connections at the same time.


Winning Hearts Amethyst Quartz AA


    Note that all items are fengshui mass-blessed. If you do not wish to have any fengshui blessings, kindly indicate [SKIP] upon check out. 
    For more details about fengshui blessings kindly check here > WAH Blessings

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